Chapter 29: The Big Day

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~Harley's POV~

I can't believe that today is the big day that I am gonna become Harley Wolff. Me & John woke up early because we have to be there before Nat cause he's not allowed to see me until I walk down the isle & I didn't put on any make-up cause I have plenty of time to do all & we walked out the apartment & we stopped at Starbucks & we jammed to Skillet's song Monster and after that we did Circus For A Psycho, Sick Of It, Feel Invincible & just at we was at Undefeated we finally arrived.

I can't believe it this is it bubs. I said

Yeah your getting married today. said John

Yeah lets go in & get prepared for the wedding. I said

So I went to my dressing room & Shailene Woodley who is Nat's co-star from The Fault In Our Stars & she is one of my best friends & we just talked girl stuff because since my Mom died cause I have a brother but Shailene is amazing she is just the sweetest girl I met & we just get some quality girl time before I hit the isle.

So are you nervous. said Shailene 

A little bit I am shaking. I said

Well just relax and it be fine cause Nat is really lucky to have you cause your a great person even though your not famous like we are but we accept you for who you are & I kind enjoyed getting to know you. said Shailene

I do too & your welcomed to the apartment anytime. I said

Well thanks. said Shailene 

Anytime what are be sties for & can you help me put on my dress? I said

Sure I will be happy to help. said Shailene as she helped put my dress on 

*Halston Sage & Jaz Sinclair who is Nat's co-stars from Paper Towns*

Hey girls. said Halston & Jaz

Hey y'all. I said

Oh my gosh you look so beautiful. said Jaz

Yeah you look like a princess & Nat hasn't seen it yet? said Halston

No he is not allowed to see me in it until I walk down the isle. I said

I can't believe our good friend Nat is getting married it's like my gosh. said Jaz

I know right things are gonna change when he gets married he is gonna have a future with you. said Halston

Me & Nat are going to Paris for our honeymoon we will be leaving early in the morning for our flight. I said

Omg y'all are going to Paris? said Shailene 

Yes he booked a hotel & everything. I said

You guys are gonna have the time of yalls life. said Halston

Yeah and who are y'all gonna walk down the isle with? I said

I will be walking with Ansel. said Shailene

I will be walking with Justice. said Jaz

And I will be walking with Alex. said Hals

*Harley is finally finished getting her dressed tied*

~Nat's POV~

So I am in my dressing room and getting my tux on & Justice Smith my co-star of Paper Towns & Ansel Egort there gonna be the groomsmen & right now Harley & her brides maids and Shaliene is the maid oh honor so she texted saying their out getting their pics done & after they finished us guys are gonna be out there getting pics done also its gonna be me, John, Alex, Justice & Ansel are gonna be in the pics with me & the pics are gonna be taken at the ceremony & the reception.

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