Chapter 5: Talking Man To Man

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~John's POV~

Harley left to go run some errands I decided to stay home I'm just wearing another one of Skillet shirts I decided to go on my laptop and watch some Skillet podcast after the podcast was over I decided to watch some tv, and I heard a knock on the door and it was Nat.

Hey man what's up? said Nat

Hey there Harley's not here she's out running errands. I said

I actually came to talk like man to man. said Nat

Oh alright well come in. I said

*After Nat walked in the apartment they just sat down*

So what's been up with you man? said Nat

Oh nothing just was tired after last night. I said

Oh yeah I'm still tired from last night too. So anyways can I ask you about Harley? said Nat

Ok. What about her? I said

I gotten to know her and I feel like she's hiding something. Do you know something about it? said Nat

I knew this was coming around but she has been going through mental issues since our Mom died and our Dad abonded us before I graduated so Harley kinda changed the day after our Dad disappeared we haven't heard from him in months, he never bothers to pick up the phone or email us to check on me or my sister since then Harley has changed she has gotten depressed and she barley even makes anymore friends the only person she has is me cause I'm her brother. said John

So that's what Harley really is? said Nat

Pretty much yeah. Can I ask you something? said Nat

Are you intrested in my sister? Just tell the truth I won't tell Harley. I said

Yeah kinda have a crush on your sister. said Nat

I could tell you smiled at her and I think your a great person for my sister but it's because of the mental issues she's been through I just don't wanna see her hurt cause she's been in the past relationships back in Orlando she broke up with her ex-boyfriend Chad Carson was a real jerk, he had beaten her over and over since the day they started dating and not only that he cheated on her. I said

Oh wait she got beaten and cheated on? How did you know he beat her? said Nat

Well Chad always has been violent and the day Harley broke up with him Chad gotten more violent towards her but thankfully I was home back in Orlando before we moved here and when I saw Chad hitting Harley multiple times I had no choice but to fight and taze him cause I don't like seeing someone laying a hand on my sister I may be her lil bro but I still protect her. I said

So she had a bad relationship with her ex-boyfriend? said Nat

Yea he was hurting her so bad I called the poilice and not to mention he threaten to kill Harley after he got arrested we changed our number and moved to a small house that day back when we was still in Orlando because Chad is just a jerk to Harley it was before our Mom died and before our Dad disappeared and she hasn't even thinked about dating since Chad got arrested. I said

So Harley has like mental illness? said Nat

Yeah and I been trying to help her but she just refused to let me I don't want her in the mental hospital. I said

Wait? Mental hospital why you say that? said Nat

Well she went to a counselor we went to fix our problem when after our Dad dissapered I noticed Harley started hurting herself and I couldn't help but worry about her she started that ever since our Dad left and we went to the counsler and she said if she doesn't stop all that she would have to go to the mental hospital for 4 weeks. I said

Really is her mental illness that bad? said Nat

Yeah were trying to help her as possible as we can. I said

Wow so she's damged inside a lot? said Nat

Yeah she don't even know her own self and she often sits alone when she was taking school back in Orlando when she's at lunch cause she was tired of people and she just refuses to let anyone help. I said

I see your sister as an amazing girl even though she's different and I like that in a girl and even though she lsitens to a band I never heard of. said Nat

Anything else you wanna know? I said

Is your sister intrested in me? said Nat

We'll when she met you she kinda smiled when you wernt looking. I said

So I take that as a yes. said Nat

Yeah looks like it. I said

I kinda wanna ask her out. said Nat

Really??? I said

Yeah I think Harley is amazing girl idc if she's not famous I except her for who she is. said Nat

Well you have my wish bro? I said

Thanks man and don't tell Harley I said this. said Nat

I won't your secret safe with me. I said

*After all day of John and Nat having talks from man to man Nat left an hour later and after 3 hours Harley came back home and Harley mysterious as usual*

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