Chapter 27: Its Getting Closer

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~Harley's POV~

Me & Nat have 4 days until the wedding and we have a lot to do and we gotta get the stuff by at the place called Midtown Loft & Terrace we will also have a reception there and tomorrow we gotta get everything set up so we go to the place is gonna decorated and its gotten done we still have to do wedding practice on Thursday & Friday and Saturday will be our big day and

Hey babe we got 4 days left until were Mr & Mrs. Wolff. said Nat as he kissed me 

I know right babe I can't believe it's getting closer. I said smiling

It feels like we just got engaged. said Nat

Yeah time flies babe and remember he have wedding rehearsals babe so we gotta be there early for it so we gotta get up at 7:30 its on Thursday & Friday, and Saturday will be our big day which means you can't see me Saturday until the wedding. I said 

I can't see you all morning on Saturday. said Nat 

Well it's only until you see my walk down the isle. I said holding Nat's hand

I know babe I love you. said Nat as he kissed my hand

I love you too I can't wait til were husband & wife. I said

Me too & I already got our passport for Paris. said Nat

I can't wait for Paris. I said

It feels like yesterday we just became boyfriend & girlfriend and now in 4 days were gonna be husband & wife. said Nat

I know right I remember you took me to central park and we had our moment when you asked me to be your girlfriend I am so happy I didn't say no. I said

I am glad I asked you on that day & I am never gonna forget this big day when we become Mr & Mrs Wolff & speaking of that have you already bought the things for the room thats gonna be ours soon? said Nat

Yeah we me & John are gonna get it set up today when he gets back home and your staying in the living room you can't see it cause your not allowed to be in it until after the big day. I said

Okay babe I can't wait to see the room though and you be waking up next to me on Sunday morning bc we gotta get up early to be at the airport cause it's gonna be a long flight. said Nat

Yeah I gotta get packing for our honeymoon & have you packed already babe? I said

Yeah I did it this morning. said Nat

Looks like I need to start I am just trying to catch my breath. I said laughing

Yeah we still have plenty of time to pack cause we got all day to finish. said Nat

So Nat just sat in the living room I am just packing stuff for the honeymoon I could use a vacation but whats better is being with my soon-to-be-husband in Paris as soon-to-be-newlyweds. 

*Harley finally is done packing and walks in the living room and see's Nat watching The Big Bang Theory*

Hey babe you finished packing? said Nat

Yeah now I can relax for the rest of the day and night and I already told my professors that I am gonna be off for a few days cause of the honeymoon. I said

Oh ok thats good babe and I know you probably getting tired of hearing it but I am ready for Saturday to get here so I can see you walk down the isle. said Nat as he cuddles with me

I never got tired of hearing it babe. I said kissing him

I love you. said Nat

I love you too. I said

*John walks in*

Hey guys. said John

Hey bub. I said

Hey man how's it going? said Nat

It's good me & sis are about to re-do the room and make it into a married couple room. said John

Okay I will be in here watching tv & later I can pick up some dinner do y'all like Mcdonlads? said Nat

Yeah. I said

I can do mcdonalds. said John

Well bubs might as well get started on the room & babe if you need anything just holler my name. I said as me & John started walking in to work on the room 

So me & John took some of the stuff that I have & we putted it in storage boxes and we replaced the bed setting to a black & red type thing and we have all of the stuff for it to match and I diy a pic of me & Nat from when the day he asked me to be his girlfriend & some other pics we had token together & the one when we got engaged & I put it in black frames & the rest in some in red frames & we have some room decor that has Mr & Mrs & one a sticker wall that has music wall since Nat is a musician cause he's known as his role on Nickeloden's show The Naked Brothers Band it's hard to believe I am getting married to my celeb crush on Saturday so we put up some wall decor & it's really fun having to spend time with my brother & I remember being there for him when our Dad disappeared we haven't heard from him in months & we had to take care of ourselves & we stayed strong even though it was hard through my mental illness & it's hard to believe that on saturday walking me down the isle and give me away & Nat moving in after our honeymoon.

So are we about done here sis? said John

Yeah I think everything is all done now looks like a room for a married couple. I said

*We both walked out the door*

Your about finished with the room babe? said Nat

Yeah and now its all set for this saturday when we come home from the wedding. I said hugging Nat

*After that they got their dinner & watched some movies they watched Mockingjay Part 2*

~Nat's POV~

I just can't believe this saturday her room is gonna be our room I wanna sneak in and take a peek but I wanna make it a surprise like Harley says so we are watching Mockingjay Part 2 and where at the part where Finnick dies & Harley is just cuddling with me & her brother is just sitting there watching I am so ready for this wedding. 

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