Chapter 31: The Honeymoon Begins

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~Harley's POV~

So me & Nat finally made it to Paris & it is beautiful & of course it is amazing with him with me & we even saw the Effiel Tower it's beautiful & we forgot the restaurant were planning on going but we are gonna eat at Restaurant Lasserre it's a pretty nice place to eat there after we get to our hotel.

*They got to their hotel*

Wow this place is beautiful babe. I said

Not as beautiful as you baby. said Nat 

I love you our first night in Paris just the 2 of us. I said

Yep just 2 of us alone & after our dinner together were gonna be cuddling up tonight after babe. said Nat

Ohhh babe your killing me babe. I said with a giggle

We may as well get ready for the night cause we are gonna try something different cause what happens in Paris stays in Paris babe. said Nat

*So they both got ready Harley is wearing a pastel blue dress & again Harley doesn't like heals so she wore black flats & Nat is wearing a black button up shirt & black jeans & the shoes he wore at our wedding*

*They arrived at Restaurant Lasserre*

Wow this looks romantic. I said

Yeah this place looks amazing. said Nat

*They see the person*

Hey sir table for 2. said Nat

*The waiter leads them to the table*

Let me help pull your chair beautiful. said Nat as he pulls out the chair for me

Thanks babe. I said as I sat down

Anything for my wife. said Nat

I wonder how bubs is doing right now? I said 

I guess you should & check on him. said Nat

I am just gonna call just to check on him. I said as I picked up my phone & dialed John

-On The Phone With John-

Hey sis. said John

Hey bubs I just wanting to call & check on you to see if everything is alright. I said

Im doing fine sis it's weird that your not home but I am happy your on your honeymoon with your husband. said John

Oh ok & we are at restaurant right now I just wanna call to check on you so I will call you back love you bub. I said

Okay love ya too sis. said John

-Off The Phone-

How's he doing? said Nat 

He's doing fine he just feels weird that i'm not there well it's because when our Dad left & never came back & he's just use to just being me & him cause we been through a lot together & he has always been my best friend & everything. I said

Well he sure is lucky to have you as a sister cause I always been there for Alex when we was doing The Naked Brothers Band & when we did our music we always putted each other first & I don't mind the attention but I like to be just a regular person but it's kinda hard when you have cameras pointed at you 24/7 babe. said Nat

I use to wanna be famous cause I use to wanna be a fashion designer growing up I always liked  drawing cloths & acting like I was a fashion icon hahaha but when I was a senior in high school I was on work study it's to put students to work & I choose to work at a nursing home & I realized that I wanna be a nurse cause I like to care for elders & they are just such sweet people so that was when I decided to go to nursing school. I said

Wow I actually like that about you babe & tomorrow were going to the Love Lock Bridge cause I got a lock for us to put it there. said Nat as he shows me the lock & after that were gonna go on the boat called Bateaux Mouches. said Nat

Oh my gosh are you serious this is the best honeymoon babe. I said

Im the best babe. said Nat as he smiles at me

*Meanwhile at back in New York*

~John's POV~

It feels weird that my sister isn't home with me for a week but I got to hang with Alex part of the time & Justice and Ansel they pretty cool people and its nice to get some guy time once in in a lifetime but Im happy to see my sister happy & she's already in Paris having the time of their lives with Nat. So I go on my laptop watching some Suicide Squad videos cause me & Harley love Suicide Squad & then I watch videos of Jen Ledger from Skillet & gosh she's beautiful & she is bae & I listened to Skillet's song Out Of Hell.

*While Nat & Harley are in Paris*

~Nat's POV~

So we had a nice dinner & we are about tired so we decided to go back to our hotel we got back to our hotel got into our sleepwear took out Harley's computer & we watched 3 episodes of The Big Bang Theory & made out for 46 minuets & went to sleep

Goodnight babe. I said as I kissed her forehead

Goodnight baby. said Harley as she wraps her arms around me.

*They went to sleep*

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