Chapter 23: Guy Time

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~Nat's POV~

So me and Harley are getting married in 8 days and I am so excited that in 8 days she's gonna be my wife and Alex seems to get along with Harley and John good. So we are getting married at Gotham Hall and have the reception there as well I already sent the invitations to the wedding including my co-stars from The Fault In Our Stars and John Green of course and my parents and part of my family and Alex is gonna be my best man and we already got the bridesmaids and groomsman, and we are gonna go to Paris for our honeymoon so I already have our hotel room reserved at Grand Hotel Saint Michel its in France and we are so excited I can't wait till me and her get married I am so excited for the wedding and John is great sooner he's gonna be my brother-in-law. So I am curious on how Harley's dress looks like but I can't see it until the big day Harley is in school right now so I am just gonna hang with Alex and John.

So bro what you gonna do before you get married? said Alex

Well I was thinking since Harley is at school we can have guy time like do some guy things. I said

So what do y'all have in mind? said John

Well what time does Harley get out of school? said Alex

She don't get out till 5:30 cause. said John

Well why don't we watch some movies and maybe go out for some burgers and have a lot of guy talks. I said

That sounds great. said Alex.

*They decided to watch Batman vs Superman as the movie ended they went out to get some burgers and went back to Nat & Alex's place*

I wanna make a cheer for my brother who is getting married in 8 days and I wanna make this speech Nat you will always be my brother and it's gonna be different when you live across from me but no matter where you guys at I will always support y'all. said Alex

Now I have a speech for Nat and I wanna say you are such a great guy for my sister and I enjoyed you coming over all the time now in 8 days you will be living with us and Harley is very grateful to have you in her life and now just in 8 days your gonna be with her for the rest of her life and I am so thankful to have you as my brother-in-law even though its not official yet but I can't wait to see what future brings for you and Harley. said John as he gave me a hug

*A as the time went by Nat & John decided to head back to the apartment Harley and John's and they decided to watch Arrow while Harley gets home because*

*A few mins later Harley came home*

Hey babe how was school? I said as I hugged Harley seeing her tired

It was fine I just been studying so much like today I had to learn CPR. said Harley

Oh really. I said

Yeah thats part of learning to save people's lives. said Harley

Well babe its worth saving the elderly. I said as I kissed her on the lips

Yea and I can't wait for the wedding. said Harley

8 days babe it's coming. I said

I am so tired babe. said Harley as she yawned

Well maybe we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. I said still hugging her

Yes babe I could use a cuddle. said Harley

Thats my girl. I said as we sat down on the couch

*They decided to watch Titanic and Harley fell asleep about halfway through the movie*

Man she must had working so hard today. said John

Yeah it looks like it she must had been studying so much and my gosh we will be glad to go to Paris cause she could use a vacation. I said as I ran my fingers through her hair

Maybe we should let her rest. said John

Yeah I am gonna carry her into her room. I said as I picked up Harley

Alright. said John

As I carried her into her room which is soon gonna be our room so tomorrow were gonna pick ideas for our room since where getting married where gonna change up things in there so it looks like a married couples bedroom and I can't believe I'm gonna someday wake up next to her and kiss her every morning and night I am always gonna be by her side and I just put her on the bed covered her up and kissed her forehead and went back to the living room and finished the rest of Titanic.

So how will it feel to give your sister away? I said

Well its gonna feel weird because she's gonna soon have your last name and I feel like things have been coming along. said John

Yeah you really lucky to have a sister. I said

Yeah she's been there for me when our Mom died. said John

I know it must be hard not having parents. I said

Well but me & Harley knew everything is gonna be okay and now your part of the family. said John

*As a few hours went by it was night time Nat went back home*

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