Chapter 6: After Day

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~Harley's POV~

So yesterday was a long day after running errands and me and John just hang in the living room on our Xbox watching Skillet podcast on YouTube we watched where John Cooper says I Am A Peanut, and we just been hearing Skillet old and new and it gets fun jamming out to Skillet with my little bro even though I may be going through a problem but we have a very strong bond as brother and sister yeah I would never trade my brother for anything. Sooner Nat came over to hang yeah I think Nat comes over comes cause he's intrested in me.

So Harley what you been up too latley? said Nat

Oh nothing just happy I'm settled in New York and it's going great it's this fall I'm going to school. I said

Can I ask you something? said Nat

Uhhh sure. I said

Are you busy today? said Nat

Not really why? I said

Well I was wondering if you wanna hang out at Central Park just us. said Nat

Sure what time? I said

Around 10:00. said Nat

Ok sounds like a plan. I said

Harley??? said John

What bubs? I said

Skillet is gonna be at Madison Square Garden their having a concert there we have to go. said John

Really I will buy the tickets tommorow? I said

Okay it's offical were going to see Skillet. ask John

Nat would you like to come with us I know your taste in music is a bit different than mine but I wanna invite you. I said

I would love to go. said Nat

Okay then it's offical were going to see Skillet in fact I will go buy the tickets right now. I said as opening my laptop

*They are going to see Skillet live and Harley is excited in a month their going to see them live*

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