Chapter 10: The Kiss & Horror

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*As the hours went by Chad landed in New York and is now after Halrey*

*Meanwhile at Harley and John's*

~Harley's POV~

So Nat and I have been dating and its going really well and I'm a little scared though but he's really amazing and even though he's a celebrity and it was hard but we love each other no matter what. John left to go to the store to pick up a few things so me and Nat just sat on the couch watching Netflix we watched Fuller House after watching the 1st season we decided to watch The Hunger Games.

Hey babe can I ask you something? said Nat

Sure ask me anything. I said

Well this is kinda weird for me to ask I know this may be a little scary for us but have you ever kissed anyone? said Nat

Yeah. I said

Well do you wanna give it a try? It's okay if you say no. said Nat

We can try just to see how it goes. I said as I was feeling nervous

*Nat leaned toward Harley and they kissed. After 30 minutes of kissing they stopped for a few mins and watched some more movies*

~Nat's POV~

Wow I can't  believe I kissed Harley it and it went really want well and I'm so thankful to have Harley as my girlfriend.

Hey babe I gotta go to the bathroom real quick. I said

~Harley's POV~

While I waited for Nat to get out of the bathroom I took out my phone and watched some Skillet related videos and then I heard a knock on my door and I opened the door it was my ex-boyfriend Chad and he slapped me in the face.

GET OUT. I said as I yelled

You think you could just leave me like that well I am gonna show you what really hurts. said Chad

~Nat's POV~

I just finished trying to fix my hair and all the sudden I hear screaming and I walked out the bathroom immediately and I saw a dude trying to hurt my girlfriend.

HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING. said Nat as he yelled

Who are you? said Chad

I'm her boyfriend. said Nat

Oh well, well looks like both of you are gonna see what really hurts. said Chad

Not if I can help it. said Nat

*Chad immediately started beating Harley, Nat got punched then Chad pushed her and then all the sudden she hit her head on something and Nat got furious and started punching and kicking Chad an he found a tazer and he got his lights knocked out.*

~Harley's POV~

My head was hurting and all I was just hurting really bad and then all the sudden I blacked out.

Harley, Harley please speak to me please don't go, everything is gonna be ok. said Nat crying his eyes out

*Nat calls 911 and John. A few mins later an ambulance came and the police came cuffed Chad and took him and the paramedics got Harley and Nat rode along with her as he got worried he texted John telling him. To meet up in the hospital. They arrived at the hospital at Lenox Hill Hospital and they doctors came and took Harley to a room to get her stabilized*

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