Chapter 18: Taking Care Of Harley

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~Nat's POV~

So today Harley gets to go home and me and John are gonna take care of her because after the doctors says she can't be on her feet for hours. So I helped Harley get in her wheelchair and John helped out as well and I am thinking about asking Harley to marry me after she's healed from her injuries but right now I'm just gonna focus on her getting better before that but I have to talk to John before I ask her hand in marriage. So we got to the car I helped Harley get in and she's feeling a little pain from her stitches John's driving the car and we have a wheelchair since Harley could barley walk fast.

You feeling okay babe? I said

Yeah it just hurts like crazy. said Harley 

Hey sis I went to the drug store today the doctor subscribed to so here take some of this it will help the pain and to avoid infections. said John as he hands her the pills and a drink

I'll hold the drink babe. I said as I started holding the drink

*Harley takes the meds and dranked her arizona*

I am just ready to get some sleep man that bed was not comfy I barley had any sleep. said Harley

We can watch movies and cuddle babe. I said as I kissed her forehead

Sounds good babe. said Harley as she kissed me

You guys are just cute love birds. said John as he giggles

*A few mins later they finally made it back home Nat held Harley to sit her down on the couch and Nat went and got her a pillow and blanket John fluffed up the pillow for her while Nat got her drink and got her some popcorn cause she likes to be healthy and Nat cuddled with her and John sat oh his chair they decided to watch Finding Dory. It was 10:00 John went to bed and Nat helped Harley lead her to her bed and Nat had covered her up*

Hey babe I'm gonna go head back home okay? I promise I'll help John take care of you. I said as I kissed her forehead 

Okay babe I love you. said Harley as she kisses me on the lips as her eyes started closing

Goodnight babe see you in the morning. I said as I walked out of her room 

*Nat is back home*

Hey bro. How is she doing? said Alex

She's okay she's just recovering from her surgery I just helped John out to take care of Harley. I said as I started yawning

So what about that Chad guy? said Alex

Oh he's gonna be going to court and so is me Harley and John but its not till 2 months but I don't like that guy because he's always so cruel to Harley. I said as I yawned again

I think you should go ahead and get some sleep you got to take care of your girlfriend. said Alex as he pats me on the back

Maybe thats a goodnight night bro. I said as I walked in my room

*Nat had went in his room and changed his cloths and fell asleep*

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