Chapter 8: Telling Lil Bro

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~Harley's POV~

I woke up the next morning heard my phone and it was from Nat.

"Morning beautiful can I come over and hang with you?" -Nat

And I responded yeah I haven't told John yet but it be better if me and Nat told him together. So I got up put on a black tank and some denim shorts Nd just my Skillet bracelet and my studs and putted on a bit of make up and putted my hair in a bun. After I got ready I sat on the couch turned on the tv and watched my favorite show The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon was taking care of Amy when she was sick at the beginning and then I heard a knock on the door it was Nat.

Hey Princess. said Nat as he was giving the flowers to me

Hey baby... aww they are beautiful. I said as I hugged him.

I knew you love these babe. said Nat

Let me out these in a vase real quick. I said as I head to the kitchen and finding the vase

*Harley puts the flowers in the vase*

So wheres your brother? said Nat

He's still asleep. I said as I say down on the couch

Oh ok and have you told him? said Nat as he sat next to me

Not yet I'm gonna wait till he's awake and I thought it be better if we tell him together. I said

Okay sounds good. said Nat as he kissed my forhead

*Nat and Harley watched t.v. they watched The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon found out Amy lied about being sick. After the episode ended John finally woke up and now it was time to break the news*

He bubs how you sleep? I said

Pretty good. said John

Me and Nat have something to tell you. I said

Okay. said John as he sat on the chair

Well me and Nat have been seeing each other forawhile now and we had gotten to know each other and we still are and me and Nat are boyfriend and girlfriend. I said as I'm holding Nat's hand

Oh my fish guys congratulations I knew you guys would hook up. said John hugging Harley

Thanks bubs. I said as John hugged me

So when's yalls next date? said John

We're still planning on it but I can't wait for it though. said Nat as he stares at me

Yeah we can go back to the park and have a picnic there babe. I said holding his hand

That sounds great babe. said Nat as he kissed my hand

You guys are cute. said John

Thanks. as Nat and I said it at the same time

*About an hour Nat was still hanging at the apartment and John just loves seeing his big sister happy because she has someone that actually cares for Harley and they just talked and watched movies and just hung around.*

*Late at night*

Well babe I guess I better get home and get some sleep and I will see you in my dreams babe. said Nat kissing my forhead

Okay babe I love you. I said

Love you too princess. said Nat

*As Nat went home Harley went to bed and just can't help but smile*

~Nat's POV~

I had such a great time with Harley and her brother is just really cool Harley is the girl I ever love and I love her so much.

Hey bro how did it go with your new Gf? said Alex

Great bro she's just amazing I can't wait to see what goes on. I said

So are you two planning on kissing? said Alex

Well we're kinda taking it slow were gonna wait till we're ready for it when the times right. I said

Well you better start practicing use the mannequin we used for the Maybe music video. said Alex

Really Alex you want me to practice on a mannequin? I said

Yeah bro you never know when she's ready. said Alex

Ok bro. I said as I walked in my room

*Sooner Nat went asleep and can't help but think about Harley*

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