Chapter 13: Visiting Harley

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~John's POV~

It was 8:30 am and Nat was still asleep and it's weird that Harley isn't with us cause it's always fun when Harley is home with us today were going to the asylum to visit her just to check on her to see how well she's doing and after having the man to man talk with Nat I gotten to know him alot better since he is dating my sister and Nat is the person for Harley he actually cares about Harley even though she's having mental illness right now and I could tell by the look on his face he misses Harley and Nat fianally woke up.

Hey man what's up? said Nat

None just thinking about a whole lot of things do you wanna go ahead and get ready so we can see Harley? I said

Yeah sure I just need to back to my apartment and change real quick. said Nat

Okay. I said

~Nat's POV~

So I went back to my apartment changed into my blue jeans, and a Nirvana shirt and I got a text from John saying he's already in the car and I grabbed my keys cause I need to lock my apartment and then I headed to the car and we drove up stopped at Starbucks to get a drink to wake up bc since we're still tired and then we headed to the asylum where they have Harley and I'm kinda worried but I just gotta remember she's not herself right now and we finally arrived at the asylum it's a pretty big place but I'm just ready to see if Harley is okay.

Hey you two how can I help you? said the Nurse

We're here to visit someone. said John

Name? said the Nurse

Harley Blake. said John

Are y'all friends or related too her? said the Nurse

I'm her brother. said John

And you young man? said the Nurse

I'm her boyfriend. I said

Okay but make sure y'all don't have sharp objects cause the paitents could get a hold of them. said the Nurse

*The security gaurd check for sharp objects*

You two may now go. said the Seacurtiy Gaurd

This place is huge but I finally got to see my girlfriend even though she is not herself right now but at least I can know she's okay and as we got there we saw Harley she was just wearing scrubs and her hair is up in a ponytail I wish I could hold her hand but we can't be close to her cause the rule is vistors can't be close to the paitnent but we saw her through a window and she's just sitting down my gosh I just missed her so much even though I cant be near her cause of the condition she's in and the nurse brought her to us to let us talk to her for a little.

It's yall again. said Harley looking scared and worried

Harley its me John I'm your brother you can't remember cause you hit your head on something and it knocked your memory. said John

I don't know if I remember you. said Harley as she starts backing away a little

Baby please look at me we came here to visit you I know you don't remember us but we came to check on you to see if your okay. I said as I started getting a tear from my eye

Please get away from me. said Harley as she starts freaking out and she started breaking down


Straight jacket. I said as I was all worried and confused

What NOOOO. said Harley as she screams at the top of her lungs

I'm gonna have to ask you guys to leave. said the Nurse

As me and John left the room we just standed their seeing Harley getting into the straightjacket and she was fighting to get out of it and they carried her and held her down and gave her a shot to calm her down and put her to sleep and I couldn't help but cry seeing Harley going through this condition and then me and John decided to head back home well the only thing that matters is that she's okay I just hate that she is in the asylum I just can't wait till she's back home.

You okay man? said John

Yeah I just wish she's not going through that. I said

Well they had to do what they need to do she still ain't her own self and she will be home before you know it. said John

*A few mins later they went back home and Nat went back home to take a nap and John went back to his apartment to watch some tv and they just had a very long rough day*

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