Chapter 24: There Is Angel

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~John's POV~

I can't believe 7 days til my big sister get's married it feels like yesterday we was just two young people but were adults she's in school to study nursing and I am in college while working as a DJ, Nat is a great guy for my sister I always will look out for her especially after she ended the relationship with Chad because he all he wanted to do was hurt her and man the whole time Harley was dating Chad he kept slapping her in the face I wanted to jump at him and slap him so many times to see how that feels and I never liked Chad I never liked him when they started dating Chad couldn't even go a day without hitting Harley and all the time she would come back home with bruises and marks on herself I don't like anyone hurting my sister and my Mom never liked Chad before she passed away I wish she was still with us so she can see Harley get married and if Nat & Harley decided to have kids she would have love them a lot and she would spoil them but she's in a safe place called Heaven all the sudden I hear a familiar voice.

Mom? I said with a curious look

Hey John. said Mom

Mom are you an Angel? I said

Yes I am I been watching you two and I am so proud of you and Harley and I am so glad Harley has got someone who cares for her and I am proud that you and Harley are protecting each other.  said Mom as she hugs me

I wish Harley was seeing this right now. I said

I wish she was too but I have to go son. said Mom

Already but you just got here. I said

Just remember I will always love you and Harley and I am always watching you too I know life was hard that you have to go through stuff without me but I am yalls guardian angel well I gotta go son I love you and Harley I will be up in Heaven watching you guys. said Mom

Love you Mom. I said as I hugged Mom and cried a little

I love you too son. said Mom as she vanished

*A hour later Harley came home from school*

Hey bub. said Harley 

Hey sis how was classes? I said

It was fine I guess.  said Harley

Oh that's cool. I said

I wish I could tell her about Mom visit as an Angel but she knows that Mom is watching us through and she says she will always love me and Harley, and so I decided to go run some errands real quick.

Hey sis I am gonna go run some errands real quick. I said starting to opening the door.

Okay bub. said Harley

~Harley's POV~

School has been hard but it pays off I got a test tomorrow and I am overwhelmed with the wedding planning and school all at once well Nat's gonna be over in a few so me and Nat are gonna watch Grease today.

*Hears knock on the door and I opened it was Nat like always*

Hey beautiful. said Nat as he hugged and kissed me

Hey. I said laying my head on him

You okay babe? said Nat

Yeah just overwhelmed with studying right now gotta big test tomorrow and I gotta pass it like I need to pass but thank goodness I already finished now I am just exsausted. I said still laying my head on Nat

Well babe we can cuddle cause were watching Grease anyways and it will help you relax cause you deserve to relax babe & where's John? said Nat

He's out running errands he will be back in a hour. I said as I sat on the couch laying on the couch

Wow babe you really studied a lot. said Nat as he rubbed my back

Yeah I feel like crap babe. I said laying on his shoulder 

You gonna do great tomorrow babe. said Nat as he kissed my forehead 

As sooner as we turned on the movie he put her arm around me and I am still tired from all the wedding planning so we just watched at the beginning of Grease where Danny & Sandy were at the beach which is really romantic and Grease has always been one of my favorite movies of all time. 

*As the the part where they hit the scene of Summer Nights John had came to the apartment*

~Harley's POV~

Hey y'all. said John

Hey John how's it goin man? said 

Good just been out running errands for hours and it's exsausting. said John

Your not the only one bub I been studying for hours cause gotta test tomorrow. I said still laying on Nat's shoulders

Thats overwhelming sis. said John

That's why were over here watching Grease. said Nat

Oh ok so you ready for the big day? Its 7 days away. said John

Were ready alright cause. said Nat as he rubs my shoulders

*At to where Danny & Sandy where at the drive in Harley fell asleep at that part*

~Nat's POV~

So Harley went to sleep and she was so exhausted but she will be fine but I just hate seeing things getting overwhelmed for her with the wedding but we got 7 days till she's Harley Wolff.

Poor babe she really studied hard. I said 

Oh Chad is back in Orlando cause that's where he goes to jail at and he's spending life in prison well he nearly killed Harley 2 times so he's been charged for that. said John

So he won't bother us anymore good he needs to rot in prison. I said as I ran my fingers through Harley's hair 

Yeah I never liked that guy before they even started dating and when he began hitting my sister I wished I would have jumped at him and punched his face. said John

*A few hours went by John decided to get some sleep and Nat had took Harley into her room to sleep*

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