Chapter 14: Harley Comes Home

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*As 4 weeks went by Harley was finally gonna go home and John and Nat were happy to see Harley come home.*

~Nat's POV~

I am so exctied to see my Harley me and John gotten to know each other better and I wanna suprise Harley I wanna suprise her on a date bc I wanna let her know how much I love her so much and I will promise her that I will protect her and so will John cause we wanna make Harley feel safe after what Chad did to her and man I am glad she's finally remembering we had a call from the Nurse saying she's remembering things now and me and John are gonna pick her up we just gonna sign her out then were good to go.

*Meanwhile at the asylum*

~Harley's POV~

I can't believe I'm gonna go home I been in the asylum since I lost my memories for weeks and I miss my brother and boyfriend so much I can't wait till I go home.

*A few mins later Nat and John finally came and got Harley discharged*

I finally saw Nat and John and I hugged John first well I miss my brother and I hugged my amazing boyfriend and we kissed like crazy cause I missed him so much and I finally am ready to get out of the asylum and I'm so ready to go.

*They left the asylum*

~Nat's POV~

I am so happy to have Harley back again and she and I held hands the whole time and John was driving the car and I just sat with Harley and I just can't imagine my life without Harley and I gotten to know her brother more which is great cause he is just lucky that Harley has a brother who cares about her and so do I.

Hey babe guess what? I said

What? said Harley

I love you. I said as I kissed her hand

I love you too. said Harley as she looks tired

You tired babe? I said

Yeah I been in the asylum all day. said Harley as she yawns

We can just sit on the couch watch some tv and you can take a nap. I said

Sounds great babe. said Harley as she kissed kissed me

Get a room hahahahaha. said John trying to be funny

Very funny bubs. said Harley

Hey sis Skillet is gonna be here wensday you play still wanting to go? said John

Yes I still wanna go I like to meet my hero's. said Harley

Am I still going babe? I said

Of course your still coming babe? said Harley

*A few mins later they finally made it home*

Welcome back home baby. I said as I kissed her forhead

As we got back we went to the apartment Harley turned on the tv she decided to watch The Big Bang Theory and John went to his room to take a nap after a long day so it was just me and Harley so we watched an episode of The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon met Amy and Harley fell asleep during the show she laid her head down on my shoulder it feels great to have her back in my arms.

*They both fell asleep and Harley was happy to be home and she was happy to be with her boyfriend again*

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