Chapter 25: Its The Hard Knock Life

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~Harley's POV~

Well today I have a test to take at college and I hope I pass and I can't believe I have 6 more days till me & Nat get married it's the hard knock like yes I quoted an Annie song I use to watch the movies growing up. I was still getting ready for my classes and Nat is taking me today because I can't even think straight right now so Nat is gonna drop me off at school.

You ready babe? said Nat

Not really it's gonna be a long day. I said 

Your gonna do great babe just remember babe you can do it babe I know you think I'm just saying that cause i'm your fiancé but I mean it babe just don't stress out babe just remember 6 more days till our wedding. said Nat as hugs and kiss me

I know babe. I said

Come on babe let's go you don't wanna be late. said Nat as we started to leave the apartment

Bub I'm gone ok wish me luck. I said 

Good luck sis you'll do great. said John

Thanks bubs I need that today it's gonna be a very long day. I said as I headed out the door

*As sooner they left they went into Nat's car*

You okay babe? said Nat

I'm fine I'm just really nervous about this test babe. I said

Babe just relax it's gonna be fine your gonna do great you studied for hours. said Nat as he holds my hands

I know babe can we stop at Starbucks I need coffee cause I need that right now. I said 

Sure babe anything for my princess. said Nat as he kissed my hand

So Nat is driving and we went and stopped at Starbucks and got my coffee started drinking it up like crazy and Nat just keeps looking at me like what.

What? I said

Your so cute when you do that. said Nat as he chuckled

Your just saying that. I said as I got done drinking my coffee

Don't drink too much now babe. said Nat as he held my hands 

I know babe. I said

*A few mins later they finally arrive at New York Institute Medical Careers*

Good luck babe just remember babe you can do this. said Nat as he kissed me

Okay babe I love you. I said

I love you too babe. said Nat as he kissed me again

As soon as I got out of the car and entered into the building and I went to my class and my professor gave out the papers.

Okay everyone we have a big test today and remember do your best. said the Professor 

So I looked at my papers and all these questions are hard but I can do this okay, so as the professor said start I started shaking like crazy again and I saw the first question and it was pretty easy and I just closed my eyes for a moment and I felt calmed and I started writing and everything and I think I am gonna do great.

*As the hours went by school finally ended*

Hey Miss Blake. said the Professor

Yeah? I said 

Congratulations you passed. said the Professor

Oh my gosh thank you so much Professor. I said with excitement

I have to say you must had studied really hard and I'm impressed and I think you will make an excellent nurse I bet the elders would love that you cared for them. said the Professor 

Thanks. I said

Your welcome anyways you have a goodnight. said the Professor

Thanks you too. I said

As I walked out of the building Nat is already in the parking lot waiting for me and I walked over there and got in his car.

Hey babe. said Nat 

Hey. I said as I kissed him

So how did you do babe? said Nat

I did GREAT. I said as I held the paper up

Oh my gosh baby see I told you you could do it I am so proud of you. said Nat as he kissed me

I know I passed. I said as I held Nat's hand

We drove off the school building Nat let me pick out a song because he loves me so I turned on Give Up The Ghost by Thousand Foot Krutch and thank goodness I don't have school tomorrow so I can sleep in tomorrow and I am so proud of myself for passing and I have such great support from my brother and my wonderful fiancé I am so thankful and I thank God for that I am so blessed from what I have through my mental illness and my mom would be so proud for what i've done I miss her everyday I know she's in Heaven looking down at me.

*As they got back to the apartment*

Hey bubs I passed. I said 

OMG sis I knew you could do it. said John as he gave me a tight hug

Thanks bubs. I said as I hugged him back

So are you guys excited about the wedding more because its 6 days away. said John

Oh were totally excited cause I can't wait to spend my future with her. said Nat as he holds my hand

I can't wait for this big day. I said

I know babe and I can't wait for our honeymoon babe. said Nat

Oh I can't wait for that either babe just the two of us on our honeymoon. I said

You guys are just the cutest couple I seen I can see yalls future as a married couple. said John

Thanks buddy. said Nat

OMG Jen tweeted me. said John

Are you serious??? I said

I tweeted her a edited pic herself as Harley Quinn. said John as he got excited and shows me the tweet

Wait she said "Thanks so much your so kind and I hope to see you again next year in New York." I said

Thats what she said. said John

I can't believe we are going next year so you can be with your woman. I said as I giggled a bit

Sis your so silly. said John as he laughed

*So a hour later they decided to have movie nights they decide to watch Zoo Keeper and Harley was of course falling asleep as always Nat and John were still watching it and they both crashed in the living room*

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