Chapter 11: In The E.R.

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~Nat's POV~

I been waiting for hours and I got a text from John there was a bad traffic jam but he got out of it I can't help but worry about Harley, I just hope she's okay.

*John arrived at E.R.*

Hey man is she arlight? said John in worried tone

I don't know the doctor hasn't came he said he'll let us know. I said

Okay and what happend? said John

This dude I believe his name is Chad. I said

Wait who? said John shocked

Chad. I said

Oh my gosh I thought he was still in jail that's her ex-boyfriend that hurts my sister. said John as he got shocked and worried

What happened was I was in the bathroom and all the sudden I heard Harley screaming and next thing you know he punched her and I tried to stop him and he pushed her and she hit her head on something and blacked out. I said

Oh my gosh I never knew Chad would cause so much of this I hope she's okay. said John in a worried tone

*Its been a few more hours and they haven't heard the doctors yet and they both are worried about her. 30 mins later the doctor finally came*

Are you guys here for Harley Blake? said The Doctor

Yeah and so is him. said John

Are y'all related or friends with her? said The Doctor

I'm her brother. said John

And you young man? said The Doctor

I'm her boyfriend. I said

Okay well she hasn't woken up but would yall like to see her? said The Doctor

*They both nodded yes*

She's in here follow me. said The Doctor

*They followed him and they now arrived at Harley's room*

So me and John went inside Harley's room she's just laying with wires attached to her head she was hooked up to machines and I sat in a chair close to her and held her hand.

Hey man I'm gonna go pick up something to eat you wanna come? said John

No thanks I'm good. I said

Okay I'll be back in a few. said John

As I was just sitting there holding her hand waiting for her to wake up I started getting tears from my eyes I just hate seeing her with wires on her head everything is just quiet I hear nothing but moniters beeping I just wish she wake up.

Hey I know you can't hear me right now but please wake up I hope everything's okay. I said as tears came down my face

*A few mins later John came back*

Hey has she woken up? said John

No she's just laying there sleeping. I said as tears kept coming down

Bro everything is gonna be alright and I'm worried about her too I always hate seeing Harley go through stuff like this. said John

I do too. I said

*About and hour later Harley finally woke up and head was still hurting*

Owww my head. said Harley waking up

Get the doctor. I said

I'm on it. said John

Hey babe I'm so glad your okay. I said

Who are you? Why are you calling me babe? said Harley looking confused

What you mean it's me Nat your boyfriend how can you not remember me? I said tearing up again

*The docotor and John finally came back*

Who are these people? said Harley as she freaks out

Harley its me John your brother. said John

I don't remember any of you people can someone make them go away. said Harley as she freaks out even more

*Harley started screaming she was going through mental breakdown*

You guys have to leave now. said The Doctor as the doctors escort them out of Harley's room

*John and Nat just stand their looking through the window hearing Harley screaming and she's just trying so hard to break free from the doctors but they had no choice but to give her a shot to calm her down*

Oh my gosh I can't believe my girlfriend doesn't remember me and I just can't help but worry about Harley even more she was going through a mental breakdown this isn't her this isn't Harley my gosh I just hope that they can do what they can right now all I can think about is that what it her memories are gone forever.

Hey man it's gonna be fine she's just having memories loss and she's just going through mental illness. said John

I just can't believe this is happening like I can't believe my girlfriend doesn't even remember me I'm just scared that I might lose her because she doesn't even remember us. I said as tears keep coming down

Bro just remember it's not her let's wait what the doctor says okay man let's just wait and see. said John

*About 2 hours later the doctor called the guys in*

We'll she has memory loss but it's only tempory but there's more than that. said The Doctor

What do you mean? I said

I figured that she's going through mental illness and it's pretty bad. said The Doctor

So what are y'all planning on doing about it? said John

We're gonna have to put her the an asylum The Octagon for 4 weeks. said The Doctor

WHAT? I said as I yelled and teared up

Are you serious? said John as he broke down tears

I'm sorry but she needs to be there for 4 weeks cause there's nothing we can do and their about to transport her. But the place will allow visits so you two can visit until she's released. said The Doctor

Well right now it's for the best Nat she needs to have help right now. said John

Okay but can we least talk to her before she goes? I said

Sure follow me. said The Doctor

*As They walked in the room and see Harley before she goes*

Hey I know you can't hear me but I am gonna miss you but I can't wait till your back in my arms acain babe I love you. I said as I was holding Harey's hand and kissing it

Hey sis I'm really sorry things been happening and I know it's already gonna be 4 weeks but I'm gonna miss you so much sis. said John crying and hugging Harley

*After they are Harley it was time for her to go the nurses came and got her Nat was still holding her hand but he had to let go and after they took her they just went home awkward silence hearing nothing but music a few mins later they made it back home.*

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