Chapter 16: Skillet Concert

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~Harley's POV~

So today me, Nat and John are gonna see Skillet later this afternoon where gonna leave at 1:00 for the meet and greet so we can meet Skillet and Nat is so sweet that he's coming along even though he has different taste in music but he does it cause he loves me and it's good he's by my side and so is John. Before Nat came to my life me and John been through alot together and I been blessed to have him as my little brother he helped me trough my mental illness and everything.

*On our way to the concert for the meet and greet.*

I can't believe where gonna meet Skillet I can't wait to meet Jen man she's just smokin hot. said John

You and Jen Ledger bub. I said

I cant help it she's beautiful sis. said John as he laughed

Well Harley is beautiful. said Nat as he looks and smiles at me

You guys are such lovebirds. said John

*Me and Nat laughed*

I think we're here. I said

Oh yea were here and I can see John Cooper. said John

Really??? Oh my gosh it's him. I said

And I see Jen awe she's even prettier in person.  said John as he stares at Jen Ledger

Oh there goes the look. I said

Oh come on Harley you look at Nat like that all the time. said John

Hahaha. I said

*As they went in line they waited the line wasn't too long so they waited a for a bit and sooner they finally met them*

Hey there are you ready for the show for. said John Cooper

Heck yeah I am. I said as I hugged John Cooper

So I finally got to meet John Cooper, Korey Cooper, Seth Morrison, and lastly Jen Ledger they were so awesome they were so sweet and my brother finally got to hug Jen and we took pics with them and got their autographs and Nat seems to enjoy seeing me happy cause he is my boyfriend.

*A few hours went by the concert has begin the intro was Whispers In The Dark*


*the Paheads starts to scream including John and Harley as they begin to play Whispers In The Dark*

Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is
Just waiting
To turn your tears to roses

I will be the one that's gonna hold you
I will be the one that you run to
My love is
A burning, consuming fire

You'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear the whispers in the dark
You'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark. as John Cooper and the fans sings

*After Whispers In The Dark they next played Feel Invincible John and Harley was enjoying themselves and so was Nat he enjoyed it.*

You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
Who can touch me cause I'm
I'm made of fire
Who can stop me tonight
I'm hard wired
You make me feel invincible

I feel, I feel it
I feel, I feel it
Invincible. as they sing

*A few hours later the concert about ended they ended it with Monster and they finally left.*

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