Chapter 30: Off To Paris

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~Nat's POV~

So I woke up I see my beautiful wife & she's beautiful when she sleep's so peaceful so I woke up decided to get up & get something to drink I was still in my pajamas & I got out the room & John was in the living room watching Arrow.

Hey buddy what's up? I said

None just watching some tv how did you 2 sleep last night? said John

I slept pretty good & Harley is still asleep & I'm gonna wake her up in a few mins cause we have to be there in a hour cause we have to be there on time. I said

How long does it take to get from here to Paris? said John

7 hours, 46 minutes & I already have the hotel in paris reserved were gonna be staying at Grand Hotel Saint Michel & we will be back next Sunday so I'm giving Harley some time to sleep. I said taking a sip of my water

Oh that sounds like a fun honeymoon for you 2. said John

Yeah she's excited for it she's been excited before we even got married. I said

Yeah she could not stop talking about it she's always wanted to travel overseas. said John

Yeah it feels so different now that me & Harley are married. I said

Yeah I know when I walked her down the isle I was just like there she goes & it feels so weird in a good way. said John

Yeah & now that were married were about to have a chapter going on. I said

I cane see y'all 2 having a great one. said John

Have you been looking for someone lately like a girl? I said

Well I haven't been dating since me & my ex-girlfriend broke up that was before me & Harley moved her so to tell you the truth I am just not really seeing myself dating right now so I am just gonna be single for awhile. said John

Well that's good for you cause it's best that way before I met Harley I thought I wasn't gonna ever find someone. I said

Yeah it's actually better for me. said John

*Nat checks his phone*

Oh I better start waking her up cause we gotta be there in 30 mins. I said

*Nat runs in the room*

Babe it's time to wake up? I said

Hey babe what time is it? said Harley as she began to wake up

It's 8:00 we have to be at the airport in 30 mins. I said

Okay i'm up. said Harley as she yawns & streaches

*As she got up she put on an oufit & put her makeup on & puts her hair up in a bun*

You ready babe? I said

Yeah i'm ready. said Harley

*They walked out the room with their suitcases*

Well bubs were off to Paris. said Harley

Okay have a safe flight. said John as he gave Harley a hug

So we both got out of the apartment we decided to take a taxi  instead of my car so we gotten our stuff in the back & headed to the airport. We got there on time & gotten are luggage ready for Paris & we got on the plane. Sooner we finally lift off.

You ready for this babe? I said

Oh yeah babe were actually heading to Paris for our honeymoon. said Harley as she held my hand

And I have a couple of surprises for you my beautiful wife. I said as I kissed her

Really babe are you trying to keep me hanging? said Harley as she kissed me 

*So it was was it went by 3 hours later still on the plane & they watched movies on the laptop they watched season 8 of The Big Bang Theory they watched to where Sheldon got picked up from Arizona*

Sooner after that episode ended Harley fell asleep and I was still watching The Big Bang Theory it's hard to believe I'm married & I am like it's a good feeling it's our vacation for us on our honeymoon for a week. I love Harley so much I can't wait to see what happens in Paris where we will have the time out our lives.

*Nat fell asleep a few mins after Harley did & they just waited before they landed in Paris*

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