Chapter 20: The Big Question

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~Nat's POV~

So me and Harley are gonna eat at Per Se cause I thought why not cause we got in the car I am so nervous but I can do this I'm gonna ask her the big question and Harley looks so beautiful and I just hope she says yes cause she's just the girl of my dreams I never knew she would except me for who I am cause I am a celebrity and she's in school studying to be a nurse and to me honestly I think Harley is amazing she is always making me happy and not only that I won her heart and even though I went through a rough stage when she stayed at the asylum and I haven't been able to see her in weeks and after being shot by her ex-boyfriend when she got injured I stayed by her side and I just can't wait for the answer.

*They arrived at Per Se and they went to there table*

Everything looks good here. said Harley looking through the menu

I know right its so hard to choose. I said 

I can't believe where eating here this place is just fancy. said Harley

Well I wanna make everything special for me and you and after we eat were gonna go back to Central Park and we are gonna have our time over there and that's where your surprise is gonna be at babe but I'm not gonna tell you. I said as I grabbed her hand across the table

I am sure excited to find out. said Harley 

*Sooner they ordered their food and ate up and they just sat around talking and enjoying their night together and they just were having the time of their lives and Harley was still curious and Nat was getting nervous. Sooner or later they finished their food Nat paid for it and they got up and went back to the car*

This is it, I am gonna get to the park and have a romantic night with Harley and were gonna walk around for a few mins and lay on the ground and look up the stars and were gonna just relax there for a few mins and than I am gonna pop the big question.

*Sooner they got to the park Nat took the blanket out and they walked around for 30 minuets and then they got tired of walking and Nat laid the blanket down on the ground and they laid next to each other and looked up at the stars for a few mins and Nat got up and started talking*

Hey baby I wanna tell you something. I said 

Sure babe tell me any thing. said Harley 

*Nat holds Harley's hand*

I love you so much babe and I just never knew I would find you as the girl of my dreams I remember when I bumped into you and you is so beautiful and I fell in love with you and I will always be by your side and I will be there for you forever baby I cant imagine my life without you and you are amazing and I remember when I played that song Watching For Comets by Skillet when you wasn't home cause I missed you so much and that song makes me think of you everyday and I remember when we went to go see Skillet and I enjoyed seeing you happy and not only that I got the privilege to take care of you after you got shot and I was always by your side and your brother is just awesome and I just wanna say I wanna be with you forever but can you stand up for me please? I said as I started standing up

*Harley stands up*

I wanna ask you this. I said as I got down on my knees and took out the small box

Whats happening here. said Harley as she starts to smile at me

Harley Blake will you marry me? I said as opened the box 

Oh my gosh babe are you serious? said Harley as she started crying 

*Nat nodded is head yes*

Yes babe yes. said Harley

I stand back up putting the ring on on her finger and its official were engaged I can't wait till were married I can never find a girl like her Harley is gonna be my forever and I just can't wait for the next chapter of our lives and I just can't wait to see what our future is  gonna be when get married and I could see the future for me and Harley and I just can't wait to wake up next to her, and so many to do when she and I get married.

*After the proposal Nat & Harley went back home and Harley was so happy she barley slept and Nat went back to his apartment*

So bro did she say yes? said Alex 

She did. I said 

Wow bro I can't believe my big brother is getting married. said Alex 

I know and the date was perfect. I said as I started yawning

Well looks like you better get some sleep bro. said Alex

Yeah I'm about tired after long night to pop the big question goodnight bro. I said heading to my room

Night Nat and congratulations. said Alex

Thanks bro. I said as I walked into my room.

*To be continued.......*

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