Chapter 4: Unleashed Is Here

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~Harley's POV~

So today is the day Skillet's new album Unleashed just came out and me and John been hearing it today so we both are wearing our Skillet shirts cause we're Panheads and we are breakfast while we waited for Nat to come and help us out and we still talking about going to see Skillet live and I am still planning on getting the tickets but things have been so crazy latley with moving in, getting my classes ready and to top it all we unpacking.

Bubs remeber Nat is gonna be here anytime. I said

Okay Harley.

*About a few mins Nat came to the apartment*

Hey Harley. said Nat

Hey how are you? I said

I'm doing great just been making music with my brother. said Nat

Oh really I haven't heard y'alls music in Idk since NBB got of the air. I said

We had a album Black Sheep. said Nat

Oh I heard that too it's just I gotten into Skillet so much lately I started growing into heavy metal and lots of scremo and rock music but me and my brother are trying to get tickets to see Skillet but things have been crazy cause we just moved here and it just was exsausting. I said

Who's Skillet? said Nat

Skillet is a rock band that me and my brother listen too alot were Panheads yeah were even wearing the shirts because their new album just got released today. I said

Oh really they sound like a pretty great band. said Nat

Yeah they help me get trough what I been through since our Mom died and I been through alot growing up and Skillet totally describes me. I said

That's great your letting it help you. said Nat

*John walks in*

Are you gonna introduce me to him? said John

Nat this is my brother John. I said

Hey John its nice to meet you heard alot about you. said Nat

Nice to meet you too. said John

So I guess we might as well get started let's go through boxes. I said

*Sooner they were Harley and John are officaly moved and Nat stuck around and hung out with them for a bit talking about their lives. A hour later Nat went home.

~Nat's POV~

Harley seems like a great girl but idk if she's into me I just don't know if she is, I think I have a crush on Harley Blake well she's beautiful even though she listens to alot of rock music like hard, scremo and heavy metal, but I like that she's different and she's really great and it's good shes in college to be a nurse helping elderly.

Hey bro where you been? said Alex

At Harley's. said Nat

Isn't that the new neighbor that moved here? said Alex

Yeah and she's a great girl. said Nat

So you kinda like her and tell the truth I won't tell. said Alex

Well I kinda do. said Nat

We'll ask her out. said Alex

Alex, I don't wanna ask out a girl that I just met and plus Idk if she's intrested in me. said Nat

Bro your Nat Wolff remeber why they call you the girl magnet? said Alex

That nickname was a long time ago that was back in the NBB days. said Nat

Well just talk to her like get to know her and maybe she will see the good in you. said Alex

Alex it's just that I can feel that there is something I really don't know about her. said Nat

What do you mean? said Alex

Harley is just mysterious in her own ways and I can't figure it out I have a feeling there is one more thing I don't know about her. said Nat

Isn't there another person living with her? said Alex

Yeah her brother John. said Nat

Why don't you ask him he might know. said Alex

I can try tommorow when Harley's not home. said Nat

Now that's my bro. said Alex

*Nat got tired so he went to bed but he still can't stop thinking about Harley.*

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