Chapter 15: The Excitement

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~John's POV~

So tommorow is the Skillet concert and yes I'm excited and so is Harley as we're huge Panheads and it's really cool Nat is coming with us and what's really gonna be great is meeting Skillet especially the drummer Jen Ledger she's just bae, and but I'm excited to meet the rest and Harley is really excited to meet them bc we gotten VIP so we gonna wear our Skillet shirts and I am gonna let Nat borrow one of my shirts.

Thanks for letting me borrow your Skillet shirt man. said Nat

No problem bro. I said

So how long have you and Harley been Skillet fans? said Nat

I can't even remember to be honest. I said

Oh really? said Nat

Yeah and John Cooper is our insparation and so are the rest. I said

Yeah like me and my brother we would do concerts when we were teenagers we would from time to time bc I been doing alot of movies before. said Nat

Yeah must been fun being famous. I said

Not really I hate when paparazzi's follow me cause all they do is ask questions and bug me. said Nat

Wow can they even let you have some peace. I said

Well I can get some peace as long as I have bodyguards with me so paparazzi won't bother me. said Nat

Wow it must be tough trying to live a normal life. I said

Yeah and not only that I don't want Harley dragged into where the paparazzi asks her question bc of her mental illness bc I can see she doesn't like attention. said Nat

Harley never liked the attention not even in high school she was active in art club though because that's one of her hobbies she would have drawings and art around her room. I said

Really? I didn't know she's into that. said Nat

Yeah she doesn't really tell that too alot of people she did tell Mom though me and Mom knew about it. I said

What about y'all dad? said Nat

Well he wasn't around most of the time he comes home late but before he dissapeared he never was there for us when our Mom died our Mom had battled with cancer since I was 15. I said

That's gotta be hard on Harley. said Nat

Yeah when she gets depressed she listens to Skillet all the time. I said

It's a good thing she's seeing her hero's tommorow. said Nat

Yeah and I can't wait to hug Jen Ledger she's just smokin hot. I said

Yeah Harley been telling me about that. said Nat

Yeah Jen is just oh my gosh she's just so cute. I said

*Harley walks in*

Hey guys. said Harley

Hey babe. said Nat as he hugs and kisses Harley

Get a room. I said laughing

Your a goof bubs. said Harley as she laughed

Hey babe you excited for tomorrow? said Nat as he keeps hugging Harley

Of course I am babe and you know what's better? said Harley as she smiled at Nat

What is it? said Nat continuing hugging on Harley

You coming with us. said Harley

*They are getting things done before the day of seeing Skillet the next day. Nat went back home an hour ago to get some sleep and Harley and John still getting things done so they can be ready for tommorow.*

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