Chapter 17: Nightmare In Central Park

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~Chad's POV~

I can't believe she's got me back in jail and I will get her and her boyfriend if its the last thing I do, I am gonna show her what really hurts and tonight I am gonna escape from prison and I am gonna find her and kill her, and I will deal with her boyfriend and her brother I will get her and I am gonna escape and she will see real pain from me .

*A hour later Chad had escaped from jail again and carrying guns now he's after Harley again*

*Meanwhile back at Harley & John's apartment*

~Nat's POV~

so yesterday I went and saw Skillet with Harley & John, I enjoyed it and mostly I enjoyed being with Harley and John they been the best part of my life and I think it was cool that she got to meet the band members of Skillet today me and Harley are gonna go back to central park for another date cause thats our favorite spot for our dates so I am wearing a white v-neck shirt, and blue jeans and converse and she's wearing a black floral dress and white vans and some jewelry. 

You ready babe? I said

I'm ready when you are. said Harley as she hugs on me

You two have fun. said John

Okay bub call me if you need me. said Harley as she grabs her purse.

*They walked out the door and a few mins they got out of the apartment*

So me and Harley stopped at Starbucks and got ourselves a beverage just because we need our Starbucks and I got her a cake pop from there cause she deserves a treat from me cause she's my special lady and sooner we finally made it and we just sat on the bench and we just talked and we kissed and talked again and we just walked around the park and all the sudden we heard a gunshot noise everyone started freaking out including me and Harley and everyone runs for their lives and me and Harley tried to stay safe as possible.

Why is there a shooting going on? said Harley as she freaked out

I don't know babe but we gotta get out of here. I said as I grabbed her hand and run for our lives

And we just kept running and then we realized it was her ex-boyfriend Chad holding a gun he didn't kill anybody he was just shooting stuff like trees and bushes and benches I have a feeling Harley is the target why is Chad doing this to her? Oh my gosh I don't want this to happen again I can't risk losing her and Chad saw us and ran toward us and we started running and he was shooting but he missed a couple of times and we just kept running and we found a hiding spot me and Harley was running and all the sudden we feel like something was coming.

Peek a boo. said Chad as he points the gun at Harley

Harley run. I said

Harley begin to run again but Chad shot Harley right but she got wounded and I got angry and he was gonna shoot Harley again and I ran and attacked him and I knocked the gun out of his hand and then I heard sirens it was an ambulance and they saw Harley bleeding from the spot where the bullet went and they got Harley and the cop tazed Chad and I was able to ride in the ambulance with her I don't wanna leave her side I just hope she's gonna be okay.

Hey babe everything is gonna be okay I'm right here babe. I said as I got tears running down my eyes

He shot me and it really hurts. said Harley as she cries

I know baby I'm so sorry this has been happening baby I don't know why he's being so violent to you. I said as I held her hand and cried even more 

*Nat takes out his phone and calls John*

-On The Phone-

Hey Nat is everything alright? said John

Were heading to the hospital? I said as I kept getting worried

Why? What happened? said John as he begins to freak out

Harley got shot? I said as I kept crying

Who did it? said John as he continues to freak out

Chad shot her. I said as I cried more

My gosh him again I am on my way right now just hang in there. said John

Okay. I said and then hung up

-End Of The Phone Call

As a few mins went by I got off the phone with John we finally got to the hospital and John was already there and he see's Harley getting out of the ambulance they took Harley too emergency surgey to get the bullet removed and we waited.

Hey Nat she's gonna be alright. said John as he cried 

I hope she's okay I just wish Chad would leave us alone. I said as I tried holding tears back

I wanna hurt him cause he ain't gonna get away with hurting my sister. said John as he got angry

Now John calm down. I said as I tried comforting him

I can't calm down he shot my sister. said John as he let another tear out

I know I am mad too cause he shot my girlfriend. I said as I cried to

I just hope they can keep a close eye on him because it is like the 2nd time he escaped from jail he has always been violent to Harley. said John as he still has that worried face 

We just wait till the doctors come to and tell us that Harley is okay.

Me and John waited for about 6 hours and the doctor still hasn't came and gave us the news on Harley I just hope my nightmare didn't come true the one I had when Harley was at the the asylum, I just played on my phone watched youtube videos and listening to music and I was listening to Watching For Comets cause thats my song of reminds me of Harley when I heard it while Harley wasn't home with us I am waiting impatiently to hear the news to know if Harley is gonna be okay and I just can't help but worry about Harley but me and John have to be strong for Harley's sake.

*About 30 mins the doctor finally came*

Are you to here for Harley Blake? said the Doctor

Yeah. said John and I at the same time

Is she okay. said John

She's gonna be okay she's just injured but she's gonna have to rest for awhile that means she has to be off her feet for the next 15 weeks so she can't be on her feet for hours she can get up when she wants to get on the couch or something like that but y'all have to help her but she will be discharged tomorrow. said the Doctor

Okay & thanks so much can we see her. I said

She's in her room follow me. said the Doctor as he leads them to Harley's room

*They entered Harley's room*

Hey guys. said Harley as she smiled when she saw us

Hey sis were so glad your okay. said John as he hugged Harley

Hey babe are you feeling okay. I said as I hugged and kissed her

Yeah I'm just sore feeling a lot of pain cause of the surgery but glad not going back to the asylum this time. said Harley as she held my hand

*As a few hours went by Nat & John stayed at the hospital with Harley overnight as Harley fell asleep Nat held her hand the whole time he was sitting in the chair holding Harley's hand and John was asleep on the couch*

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