Chapter 33: Home Sweet Home

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*As the week of the honeymoon went by they already at the airport back to New York*

~Nat's POV~

Can't believe the Honeymoon is over but we had a great time getting to be alone with my wife most of the time now it's time to see what's next for us we are already at the airport & we are getting on our plane for back to New York & I hate that the Honeymoon is over but at the same time me & Harley just rather be home in our own bed & John and Harley did such a great job on our room cause now I saw what was like waking up to my beautiful wife I will be doing it forever as for as long as I live.

Wow babe can't believe the honeymoon's over. said Harley

I know babe but I am ready to go home. I said

Me too babe as long as your on my side. said Harley

I will always be on your side. I said holding her hands

I love you. said Harley

I love you too my beautiful wife. I said as I kissed her forehead

*They got on the plane now 7 hours back to New York*

So Harley is taking a nap & I'm on my phone looking at pics from our wedding & it feels so unreal that I am a married man now & she's my wife but I am so excited to go back home & we can do things in our lives as a married couple. 

*As 7 hours went by they are finally home*

Look were back home babe. I said

Yeah home sweet home. said Harley

*They get in the cab*

*As the mins went by they finally made it back to the apartment*

JOHN. said Harley

You guys made it home how was the honeymoon. said John as he gave me & Harley a hug

It was great bub but it's good too be back home cause I miss my little bro. said Harley

I missed ya 2 guys it was really weird that I was here without you or Harley. said John

Yeah I know it feels weird that I am not a Blake anymore I'm a Wolff. said Harley

I know sis it's like my gosh there she goes she's now married. said John 

So it's great to be home & I can't wait to see what goes next in our lives maybe we would someday start a family, her becoming a nurse, & me still being on my acting/singing career & her brother getting into the Dj business & it's been such a blessing having Harley & I will always be there for her & even when she was in the asylum I never left her side & I will always support her no matter what & even though she is having a mental problems but looks likes she's done better she hasn't been depressed & Chad hasn't bothered us since he got back to orlando he is serving time in jail & we still waiting to see if he's gonna be found guilty for almost killing Harley but it's all in the past now & I will never hurt Harley like he did.

*So the hours went by everyone was going to bed*

Well babe look at us back at home in our own bed. I said as I scooted close to Harley

Yeah it feels good to be back home & I love being able to cuddle with you like a teddy bear. said Harley as she holds my hand

I love you my beautiful wife. I said

I love you too my smokin hot hubby. said Harley

How about a little make out session babe. I said as I hugged on Harley

That sounds great for me babe. said Harley as we started making out

*They made out for 3 hours & they finally fell asleep*


(So this is the final chapter but I will be doing a sequel I don't have the name of the new sequel yet but I will do a sequel of this fan fiction.)

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