Chapter 12: Watching For Comets

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~Nat's POV~

I miss Harley so much already even though it hasn't been 4 weeks but I really love her I just wish she comes home so I can have her back in my arms and I decided to put on a Skillet song I picked Watching For Comets and all the lyrics reminds me so much of Harley and how much I miss her and want her home and every lyric makes me think of her I just cried and as soon as the song ended I fell asleep.

*Nat's Dream*

Nat, Nat wake up. said Harley

Harley is that you. I said

Yes it's me silly. said Harley as she grabbed my hand

I got up Harley looks beautiful as always she's wearing a white dress and gray vans we walking on the beach and she just smiles at me that's what my favorite part about her is her smile and we just held hands and we jusy stared at each other as I was about to kiss her all the sudden I hear a gun shot and it was her ex-boyfriend Chad and punched me and my nose was bleeding and I see Chad pointing a the gun at Harley.

Please Chad don't kill me. said Harley as she's crying for life

HARLEY. I said as freaked out

Nat please save me. said Harley crying for help

I was running for her life Chad shot her right in the chest and she was bleeding and was running out of breath.

Harley I'm right here everything is gonna be okay. I said

He shot me. said Harley she had tears coming down her face

SOMEBODY HELP SHE'S GOTTEN SHOT IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE??? I said as I yelled for help wanting to save her

Nat I I I.... said Harley as her voice got weaker

What is it babe? Please don't die on me. I said as I got more tears coming

I just kept holding her and she was covered in blood and after that her skin was getting cold as ice and she was dead and I just cried as her heart stopped beating and then Chad pointed a gun at me.

Looks like your next. said Chad as he shot me

*End of Nat's dream*

I woke up feeling like I was going to have a heart attack and thank goodness it was just a nightmare and then I get a call from John.

-On The Phone-

Hey did I wake you up? said John

No I just woke up from a bad dream. I said as I was breathing heavy

Do you wanna come over I know it's 12:00 but I can't sleep and its to quiet. said John

Sure buddy I'll be right over. I said

Okay bye. said John

-End of the phone call-

So I got out of bed just decided to wear my sweatpants and my Beatles shirt and slipped on my sneakers and it's gonna be different since Harley ain't gonna be home for 4 weeks but John he's cool and Harley is just lucky to have a little brother like him.

*Nat knocks on the door*

Hey Nat. said John

Hey buddy you alright. I said as I walked in

Yeah I'm doing fine just can't sleep. said John

You just miss Harley. I said

Yeah I just wish she was home but she'll be alright it's only gonna be 4 weeks she should be back to normal. said John

Yeah I just wish she's home now so I could have her back in my arms. I said

I know bro but let's just be thankful she's still alive that's all that matters were gonna visit her later anyways because it's morning already. said John

Sounds good. I said

Oh and was that bad dream about Harley? said John

Yeah we was at a beach and we was happy to see each other and then Chad came and punched me and he was holding a gun and it was pointing at Harley and I went to save her but the time I was still running he shot her and I got to her she was bleeding and she was crying and I was holding her and then she died and Chad also shot me but I woke up after that. I said as I feeling emotional

Don't worry I had a bad dream that Chad stabbed Harley about 5 times in the chest and I tried to save her too and it was too late and he tried to kill me too. said John

Thanks for inviting me over. I said

No problem man and how bout we watch some tv just to take our mind off things. said John

Okay sounds good. I said

*John turned on the tv they watched Arrow and John sat on the rocking chair and Nat sat on the couch where Harley would sit and Nat still thinks about Harley well he loves her and he misses her and while Arrow is still on both of them dozed off and Nat ends up sleeeping on the couch*

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