Chapter 19: Asking John

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*As the days went by Harley was already better from her injures she started school to major in nursing and Nat is home most of the time working on music with Alex cause they are musicians themselves and Nat was just in his room writing songs and missing Harley and after an hour of writing songs he decided to go to Harley and Johns*

~Nat's POV~

So now that Harley is better and right now she's in school at New York Institute of Medical Careers and honestly Harley will make an awesome nurse. So since Harley is in school right now its the perfect time to ask John for Harley's hand in marriage.

*Nat knocks on the door*

Its open. said John

Hey bud whats up? I said 

None much just taking a break from online college. said John

Oh ok well can I talk and ask you about something? I said as I feel nervous

Sure lets sit down and talk man to man. said John as he sat in his chair

Okay so me and Harley have been dating for about very long now and I wanna kinda make the big step and I was wanting to ask you since you are her brother I was wondering I...I. I said as I got nervous

Come on you can ask me anything. said John 

May I ask for your sisters hand in marriage? I said

Well Nat your a great guy and you adore her so much and I figured it was coming sooner my sister loves you the way you love her and I think you be the great husband for my sister and yes you may ask for her hand in marriage. said John as he gave me a hug

Thanks man. I said 

So when you gonna plan on propose to Harley? said John

I am gonna call the reastraunt and reserve for our dinner date and were gonna take a walk at Central Park and were gonna like chill on the grass and look up under the stars and then I am gonna pop the big question but I wanna surprise her so you can't tell her about it I wanna make it special for me and her and I had this ring for a long time I kept it all these years incase I was ready to propose. I said as I showed John the ring

Wow she's gonna be happy about that. said John as he looks at the ring

*A few mins later Harley came home*

Hey baby. said Harley as she hugged and kiss me

Hey babe how was school? I said putting the ring back in my pocket

It was okay it was tough but it pays of to get the goal. said Harley

Hey babe you wanna go out for dinner tonight for a date? I said

Sure babe what time? said Harley as she gotten excited

5:00 so you may wanna go ahead and get yourself ready bc I gotta surprise for you after our dinner date. I said as I smiled at her and kissed her 

Okay babe see you then I can't wait. said Harley as she goes to the bathroom to take a shower

So you nervous bro? said John

A little bit cause tonight I'm gonna ask the big question. I said

Don't be man its gonna go smooth. said John as he pats me on the back

Well I gotta get ready too gotta look good for the date. I said as I started to leave

Hey Nat be ready. said John 

~Harley's POV~ 

So I took a shower did my hair and my make up and I am gonna wear a mint blue dress and some flats because I don't really like wearing heals much the only time I will ever wear heals is on weddings, so I am wearing ear studs and just a bracelet but I'm going to a fancy restaurant so I won't be wearing my Skillet bracelet I'm just gonna wear my charm bracelet I like the one charm and I am just ready for tonight and I am curious on what my surprise from Nat is gonna be I am so curious but there is only one way to find out.

*Harley hears a knock on the door and it was Nat*

Hey beautiful. said Nat as he kissed me

Hey babes you looking sharp. I said 

He was wearing a gray button up shirt and black skinny jeans and some gray vans and he's wearing a leather jacket and gosh he's handsome as always.

You ready babe? said Nat as he grabbed my hand 

Im ready if you are. I said as we began to walk out the door.

*To be continued........*

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