The little boy.

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Monday, 14 February 2016, Los Angeles CA
       One more day waking up at 6:40 to be in my job at 7:30. Almost no time to eat or to even care about myself but I'm used to. I check if everything is ready more than hundred times, if Bob has enough food for the rest of the day, if I took my medicine, if my room is cleaned, if the windows are closed (...) well, I think I can't do anything more.
    I open the door and it's raining.
- what a great way to start the day right ? - my neighbor said. He was on his car with the window opened, catching rain on his face.
- You know that I hate rain, mr Marison.
- Don't be like that, it's the Mother Nature. Look, let's go, I take you to the hospital!
- Oh God, thank you so much, I really need.
  I got in the car, in the radio was playing on my favorite R&B songs so I started to move my head in a way that he couldn't notice. I'm a really shy girl, and in my job that doesn't help at all. May you are asking, who I am ? Well, my name is Christine but everybody call me Chris, I am 24 years old and I live in the most beautiful city ever, LA. Even if sometimes I can catch really bad rain! I live with my dog Bob and my two birds Zaza and Ze, they are Brazilian, my dad caught them when we went there. Oh and my parents, they got divorced and they are in Brazil now, my dad comes here sometimes but I don't see my mom since my 19 years old. I have a long story to tell, I'm not like some people who don't have those fascinate stories to tell, well my isn't fascinating but it's pretty long and kinda dramatic. But my life isn't just drama, I'm really happy being who I am, I'm a nurse, I help people, I also have a little part time in weekends at a bar near from where I live and I meet incredible people, some drunk but they are all great. 
- Here you are little girl, hospital Sant Angel. Have a great day!
- Thank you so much, I will repay you for this, trust me.
    Ambulances everywhere doing that noise that pisses off everybody, sick people in the urgency, my mates running to the right and to the left. Normal, totally normal.
- Are you sick ?
   I looked down and it's a little kid with a teddy bear in his pajama.
- Me ? I am the one who can help sick people.
- So you can help my brother! - he hugged my leg and I found that really cute.
- Yes I can. - I smiled - are you here alone ?
- No, I'm with my teddy! His name is Zaza! And Zaza said you're really beautiful.
actually that was one of the cutest things that could happen in a rainy day.
- You are so cute! Look, you can't be here alone, I'm gonna bring you to the play room. You'll find there more kids to play ok ? You'll be fine.
  he smiled at me grabbing my hand. What a really cute kid! His eyes were brown and big, black hair really wavy and his pajama was fully of Mickey faces.
- Where's my bro ? You know where's my bro ?
- I just arrived here now but I can help you. What's his name ?
- Zayn, his name is Zayn.
        " hey, I am Zayn and you ? " I had a flashback. A weird flashback, something that I shouldn't had now, it doesn't make sense. That name, that boy's older brother name wasn't strange but no, it couldn't be possible. When I used to live in England, I left there a friend, a huge friend whose name was..Zayn. When I was 18, I thought that we were the most beautiful love story but then I flew to Los Angeles and everything changed. I miss him sometimes. But no, it's not possible that can be him.
     I called Sophie, my mate who works as the receptionist so she could tell me more about that Zayn and where he could be. All I got was:
Zayn Malik, 23 years old, english.
Sick, not enough air in his lungs.
    Everything was making sense but something was worrying me more now "not enough air in his lungs, not able to breathe." Was him ok ? Where he could be now ?
   - Sophie! - I found her in the hall running - I need your help!
    - Chris! Why are you wearing your random outfit ? Where's your hospital suit ? If mr Peterson sees you like this!
     - fuck that! - I whispered looking at everywhere, afraid if he could be near - I need you to take me to this guy, his name is Zayn and here's his brother. We need to find him.
     - wait - she held my shoulder - ..Zayn..that name..
      - I know! - I interrupted - that's why I'm this curious. It feels like destiny!
       - ok, ok, I take you there but don't start with those philosophic thoughts.
   Me and Zayn's brother caught an elevator, always following Sophie. He was looking to everywhere, trying to touch everything while I was over there pessimist, thinking about everything. "Maybe I'm just being thinking too much." I said to myself.
     - Christine, go to our room and dress yourself! Quickly!
   I did it, quickly as she said. It wasn't my first day in the hospital, but I actually feel like it was never like that, not even when I was present at my grandma's operation.
    - he is over there, room 102, bed 24. He can't breathe by himself.
       I walked to his bed, step by step, getting closer. His eyes were closed, he was with a mask and I could listen him breathing slowly. His lips were kinda purple. He had awesome tattoos, his hair was black.
    - is this your brother ?
   The little guy was so quiet, hugging his little teddy, I could feel he was nervous, sad.
   - look, we will help him alright ? It's our goal, to help as many people as we can.
   - you promise ? - he said, looking at me with his brown eyes fully of tears.
    - yes, of course I promise.
     - Zayn uses to say that yes isn't promising, you have to give me your finger so it can be completed..right bro ?
      That moment completely broke me, not because it was a kid trying to talk with his brother knowing he couldn't reply but because, "my" Zayn used to say that too. And on that moment I realized that he could be our Zayn. I couldn't recognize him, not in the way he was but I wish he could open his eyes and smile, cause that smile and his beautiful brown eyes will be forever saved on my soul.
    I ended by giving him my finger with a simple smile.
- do you have more brothers ?
- No, it's just me and Zayn. We live with our aunt here.
- And where's your aunt ? Do you know how to contact her ?
- We can go to our house.
-, that's not the best way, love. You don't know any number like, where's your brothers phone ?
He looked to his pocket and he took it a phone from there - here here! - he screamed happy
- Ok, thank you! What's your aunt name ?
- Zileeh, we call her Zii! 
  too many coincidences, I remember to visit Zii's house with Zayn when we used to date. I really need to see her now. I started to search for a familiar contact on his phone and I found one as Zii with a cute heart. I didn't even think twice and I called her. My heart was beating faster than it was when I worked for my first time in a hospital, I didn't know what I would say. It wasn't just a urgent case, but Zayn.
- Hello baby! What happened ?
- Hello. Here it's from Angeles Hospital, I'm talking with Zileeh right ?
- Yes, what happened ? Where's my boy ?
- I need you to come here right now. He's being examined by the doctors right now, he hasn't enough air in his lungs, I don't know how it happened.
- Oh my God! - I could feel her sobbing - and wheres Camaran ? I'm going there now!!
- The little boy - I was going to speak when I listened the brim brim. She turned off so there's no more point anymore. - here you have..Camaran. She's coming. - I said to the little boy, he smiled.
I checked everything, all the machines, the wrist and everything was meant to be better soon, I just prayed it could be. Camaran was looking at me in a kinda weird way, maybe because I was checking all those big machines.
- your name Chris ?
- What ?
- You are Chris, right ? Your name is Chris!
- Oh here - I saw the card on my shirt - yes!
- I didn't know you had there too.
- " okay this it's getting weird " I thought.
- Chris!! - Sophie called me - it's 9 am!
- And ?
- And ? Girl! The director has a reunion with TAS right now, you need to be there.
- But..I can't leave the people alone !
- Girl, there's 300 nurses in this hospital, don't even come with that. Let's go!
- Camaran, stay here. - I said while Sophie was pushing my arm. Yes that reunion was so important but a part of me was in the room 102, I just couldn't leave that body there. I never felt his related with anybody in that hospital or in any that I ever worked. It wasn't just professional, it was something beyond that. I just never expected to find him there, to find him ever again. It wasn't meant to happen.
I used to love that human being with every cavity of my heart, I used to love every inch of his body, of his soul, and now I couldn't just let him go like that. I couldn't.

The room 102 - z.m ficsWhere stories live. Discover now