Love is a medication

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Something was making me think that Cameran was the one who made both of us meet again. Actually I always cared about kids, I always loved them but seeing a little kid holding a teddy in his pajama at morning in a hospital it's not that usual.
Once again, the same word came to my mind: destiny.

- do you remember everything from that day ?
   I kept wanting to know what happened and Zayn stayed quiet looking at me. After awhile he gave me a smile,
- why don't you read other letter ?
- No way! After you told me, I cant focus.
- Okay babe..if I have to do, I will do. I don't remember that much, actually.
- Zayn..just say.
- I remember to be sleeping and to hear your voice but I thought I was dead. I didn't open my eyes or move anything..I heard lot of noises, machine noises but I remember that moments after that. I heard him saying " Zayn!! I found her! Zayn I found Christine, Christine is in the hospital and she was here! " in that moment I opened my eyes realizing I wasn't dead.
-'s..that's why he says I saved you ? - I couldn't even spell the words right of how shocked I was. It was just unexpected how it all happened.
- Yes, that's why everybody thinks that and if you think in a special way, they are right.
- But..what did you say when you woke up ? I..I don't know what to say.
- I remember to woke up right after I heard that, numb and tired like I was running faster than a airplane, I couldn't breathe properly but I had to open my eyes and see what life was. He hugged me and I remember to ask "Did you see Christine ?" And then I heard him talking about what happened.

   With a smile, he ended talking about what happened while grabbing in the rest of the letters, opening and closing them in just seconds, maybe just reading the dates.
  I was still thinking about everything that he had told me. I never heard a story like that in a hospital, I never thought that was possible to wake up because of a thought or something stronger than our body.

- I understand everything now. - I said. He looked at me automatically - When I saw you, I just wanted you to open your eyes and look at me so I could be sure it was you.
- I wanted to do that but I was afraid that I would get sad again.
- But you didn't. - I smiled.
- No. I became the happiest. But can you read the rest, now please ?
- Okay.. - I was going to open one when we heard somebody knocking our door. - who's there ?
- Christine.. - Zi opened - there's somebody in the door who wants to talk with you.
- What ? Who ? - I jumped from the bed, worried, with no idea who could it be.
- It's a man but I don't know him. I left him waiting in the door.
- I'm going!
- I'm going with you. - Zayn said while I was leaving the room.

  My body felt heavier each step I was getting closer to the door. I didn't know what could it be, I didn't have any near friends, I didn't have anybody who could miss me.
  On the door, I saw a old man, my neighbor, mr Francis. Somebody who used to take care of my house or of my Bob when I was out for longer than I expected.
- mr Francis! Good morning mr Francis, what are you doing here ? How did you found me here ?
- I am sorry darling. I found a little paper in your house with the address saying you would spend time here for some weeks so yeah.
- Oh Gosh, I forgot I did that yes. Sorry.
- It's alright. I wanted to talk with you about something and that's why I am here.
- Come in! - I opened the door - we make you a tea.
- Oh no, it's not needed. - he walked through the door and smiled to everybody and everybody left me alone, while Zayn stayed holding my hand - I just wanted to let you know that your dad came to my house days ago.
- My day ? My day was here ?
- He was. I didn't know if you wanted me to tell him where you were but I didn't. I think he's still around the city..
- But did he say anything ? And yes, you did the right thing. Thank you mr Francis.
- He looked lost. He didn't say anything in particular, he looked tired. It worried me but..I couldn't do anything.

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