Cheer me up

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He put me in the bed again, while I stared at him talking on the phone with Trisha telling about everything that had happened. I felt safer in that moment, I knew that I could count with their support for everything I needed.

-          They are coming soon, babe. Do you feel better here or in our house ?

-          I want to go to your house, definitely. I hate this street. – I said hugging Bob that was sleeping next to my pillow.

-          I am going to make you more bags.

-          Babe.. – I got up of the bed. – I do. It's alright. I need to do.

-          I help you. I can't stay here without doing anything.

-          Thank you, Zayn. I don't know where I could be without..

-          I am here.

-          Always stay here.

-          I will babe. – He said opening the closet and searching for clothes. – Choose babe, I put them inside.

I tried to smile to him, for more that was impossible in that moment, I was so in shock and worried that I couldn't even smile to him.

   I was worried how Cameran would act in front of me, what would he think, what would I tell him, how would I react during the days in his house, what could happen more.

  While I was putting the last jackets that were in the closet in the bag, I got a text from the nurse Francine saying "We know what happened, Christine. Rest at home as much as you need. We are here for you if you need anything.". The text made me realize that my mom was there already and the whole hospital already knew that my dad was dead. After that I started to get calls and texts, from people I didn't even know, from people I knew but never texted me. I didn't reply to anybody or picked up the phone.

  I left Zayn in the room to open the door to his family. They hugged me one by one, telling me nice words to make me feel better. Cameran was the last one, my heart was heavier every time he looked at me. He hugged me during a long time, everybody stared at me, also Zayn with full bags next to him.

-          I am sorry for what happened to you, Christine but I am sure you will feel better, I will cheer you up. – he said with a smile bringing me a rose, that was behind his back. – Here you have.

-          Cameran.. – I tried to don't cry more. – Thank you so much.. I am sure you will cheer me up.

-          I am always here for you as my family.

I gave him one more hug, don't knowing what to tell him more, don't wanting to cry more, don't wanting to feel worse than I was. I guess pain was always in my life. It was meant to be.

Zayn walked with the bags to outside, putting them in the car. Zi hold my hands while we were going to the car.

-          Zi.. – I said – I need to talk with you.

-          Me too, darling but now now.

-          This needs to be said now before Zayn comes near.

-          What happened ?

I looked around to see if there was anybody near of us, Zayn was in the car talking with his mom, while Cameran was taking care of Bob with Yaser, also not that near of us.

-          They killed my dad. The guy on pharmacy this morning told me about the gang that are getting more dangerous every day and they killed him, they killed my dad now. I am afraid of their plan.

-          Love, calm're thinking too much.

- I am not. I can prove you. Please call your friend to take care of us.

-          Okay Christine, I will, I will text him during the road but you can't judge your dad's death.

-          Zi, he wasn't with his eyes on, he hadn't tooth. Who could do that to him ?

-          You can be right but you are scaring yourself and you can't do that. Look, we talk about this when we arrive, alright ?

-          But Zayn can't know.

-          He won't.

-          Babe.. – I heard his voice. Did he listened anything ? – Are you ready to go home ?

-          Yes babe, we can go.

The trip in the road was crazy. The traffic was awful and I felt like I wasn't arriving any soon, it started to rain to get worse. Cameran kept looking to outside holding Bob in his arms, Zayn was next to me asking how I was feeling ten in ten minutes; Trisha was talking to Yaser about my dad, not bad and not good things, just the truth. And Zi was driving. Well, not driving, because the car was stopped in the middle of the road, the traffic stayed like that during long minutes, I started to fell numb. I felt relived when I saw grabbing her phone and calling to her friend, she looked at me, giving me a smile, I gave her the biggest smile that I could give in that moment. She tried to don't talk that loud to don't make people distrust of something. When she finally moved her car, I got a text from Zi "It's done. Sorry, I had to talk from my own phone, told you nobody would know."

Finally I had somebody who could understand me, besides Zayn. I was scared that more actions like this would come, I know how people work. When they start, they won't stop. And they only do, when they reach their final victim.

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