Falling in love at 17

17 4 0

After he finished his long tight hug, we went to the car where Zi, Trisha and Cameran already were. Yaser came minutes after with a happy smile on his face, he looked happier than the last night.
Cameran was the most excited one, he was full of smiles and kept talking about everything he passed by during the trip, Trisha and Yaser looked amazed by everything, specially how blue the sky was and how people looked in the streets.
Zi, the driver, kept talking about stories that she heard about the city.

- and you ? Don't have anything to say ? - Zi looked at me by the mirror
- Me ?
- Yes! You came here before any of us..
- Well that's true but I didn't did too much, I was between university and home. I never was that type of girl to go out.
- So you never explored Los Angeles ? - Zayn whispered but everybody heard.
- Nah..
- Now that makes sense.
- What does make sense ? - Zi asked
- Nothing.. - me and Zayn said at same time.
- Ok love birds.
We looked at each other holding our hands while we kept listening them talking about stories and how Trisha saw all the differences between London and LA. Zayn kept his eyes between me and the road outside, nothing could catch his attention more than those two views.
   Zi stopped the car after some hours in a park, a green park with tall trees and a river in the end of the road. We could see families having fun and having lunches, people looked so happy there.

- what do you think of stop here and do a lunch in one of those tables ?
- Yes!! It sounds so cool, aunt and I bet everybody agrees with me, right ?
- Right Cameran. - I replied excited to open the door and be outside. I always felt good in the nature.
- Let's explore! - Trisha said being the first one to open the door

    I helped them by carrying the food and a ball that Cameran brought with him, he was carrying a little Spongebob's bag with Bob next to him. I've never seen my dog  as happy as he was on that day.
  We found a free table, after walking a lot, a few steps from the river. That was a beautiful view, I took some pictures and Cameran appeared in all of them with his big happy smile and his ball on his arms.
  During the lunch, I felt like that was my real family. Trisha kept remembering how was our lives in London, how I was as a kid, how she met me..and even how many times she talked to Zayn about me. He was blushing the whole time.
   - I still remember when I found out he liked you! He had written a letter for you..
   - Mom..don't.. - Zayn covered his face laughing - Chris..forgive me for not giving you the letter.
   - what ? I thought she had it!
    - I burnt it after you found, mom! That was awful.
    - I still remember he had written "you're more beautiful than the stars than my science teacher talks to me about it" - everybody smiled, specially Zayn - my son always liked to show off how much he loved science..and Chrisrine.
   - Zayn, now I want that letter. - I begged - actually, he writes very good and he shouldn't be ashamed.
   - Trust me, that letter was so bad..now I'd never give it to you and I know what I am saying. I mean I was just 17.
   - I never thought my son would fall in love so hard in love, - Yaser finally talked after keep smiling to us the whole lunch - I remember your mood changing every minute and singing in your room love songs that I never heard. It was a funny time before he got you, Chris.
   - to me wasn't funny at all. - I said making everybody laugh
    - what do you mean ? - Zayn looked at me with his eyes shinning from laughing.
    - it was painful. I never actually thought I would be with you, I imagined and you became my best buddie in a couple of weeks..because the way you cared was so..deeply intense....and I had to fall in love. I swear, I was confused.
    - are you still confused ?
    - I'm more than sure, now.

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