The good side

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When we arrived home, there was already Zi's friend hidden in the car. She made me a sign so I could look at him.
- it's our future body guard. - I whispered to Zayn. 
He looked at the car, didn't know what to say.

  The trip was tiring, seeing the sun shinning and then hiding itself from nowhere, what confused my head, it started to hurt even more. I closed my eyes until we arrived.
- Christine and Zayn, I need you help with the car. Trisha and Yaser, you can go. - she smiled at us in the back.
  I could this was involved with her friend so we waited in the car until Zayn's parents and friend were at home.
- I texted him because Christine said she feels safer this way.
-  Did Something happen, babe ? - Zayn asked worried
- babe. I am alright, it's just I feel safer this way.
- okay, you are right, I think it's the best idea.
- he will stay at the car, and if anything weird happens, he will get out and do his job. Do you need anything ?
- until now, I think we are fine. Right babe ? - Zayn looked at me like he was trying to know something from me. It was weird.
- yeah baby. He can stay.
- ok love birds, you can go now. I will talk to him, alright ?
- sure aunt!
  We got out of the car, Zayn with his arm around me, giving me little kisses in my forehead, always looking at my eyes, my lips.
- how do you feel ?
- I am trying to look good.
- I wish I could help you, I hate myself for that.
- are doing your best and I love you. Don't ever say that again, ok ?
- I just feel so bad that I can't do anything for you.
- you do enough to make me feel happy. - I opened the door to see Cameran looking at us like he was waiting. - hi !
- hello! Christine, you wanna paint with me ?
- how brother ?
- we could draw!!
- Camy..ask Christine first if she's feeling good for that. - Trisha came from the kitchen, getting ready for do the lunch.
- it's alright. Do you need help ?
- no. It's all good, I know how to deal there.
I smiled, tried to, following them to Cameran's room. It was funny to see everything prepared when I arrived there, there was already 3 white papers in the bed with a notebook under it and a simple pen next to.
- so, what will we draw ? - Zayn asked sitting next to me.
- what you see inside your mind.
- what ? - Zayn couldn't believe he said that - what do we have where ?
- in your mind. Your thoughts.
- I am going to draw something. - Zayn said already doing something in the paper, I couldn't understand what could it be.
- and you Christine ?
- I don't know what to write, love.
- think on somebody that makes you smile.

  I looked at Zayn and he looked at me, I could already understand what he was drawing: me. He was drawing a face, with big eyes and curly hair. There was nothing more until that moment but I understood it perfectly.
I was never perfect when it comes to draw people so I couldn't draw Zayn, how could I draw somebody's else masterpiece ? How could I draw somebody so perfect without even a single flaw ? It was a impossible mission to somebody who didn't even learn how to draw eyes.
I drew a ying yang. I've always listened that ying yang was about the bad and good things. To your life happen, you must face the good and the bad, they can't live without each other. Zayn was the good side of life while the bad was everything that could destroy me and my sanity.
- babe.. - I noticed that Zayn had stopped his drawing to look at mine. - why a ying yang ?
- don't you see ? - I said looking at his ying yang tattoo in his arm.
- there's so many point of views about a ying yang.
- why you tattooed yours ?
He stayed looking at me for some time and then kept drawing, he didn't reply me. He didn't mention any word, just kept drawing me in his paper. I honestly felt much beautiful being drawn by him than in real life.
I kept looking at him the whole time until he finished.
- this is my good side of life. - he finally replied. And I understood he was talking about the ying yang.

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