The book

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The lunch was simple but we take long hours in the kitchen, we always lose the sense of the time when we are together but that always happens to young couples, right?
   Zayn decided to cook more pancakes, I was feeling so full already but my love for that piece of heaven was too high on that moment to say no.
- Babe, can I make you a question ? – Zayn asked, eating more a little bit of ice cream wrapped in a pancake.
- If it's because I am eating too much, I am going to stop.
- No, of course it's not because of that. It's about the job.
- The job?
- Yes, babe. Will you start finding a job here?
- Oh..that..Gosh, my mind has been a mess when it comes to work but yes, I will!! I have to. Maybe tomorrow, I will call to my hospital, talk about everything and send my curriculum to hospitals near our town.
- You don't have to feel pressed, I am just asking because you may miss working, I was just curious.
- No babe, you're right. I wasn't just focusing on that now but I really have to.
- When you go, I go with you.
- Are you thinking on working together with me? – I smirked at him.
- Do you think they would accept me as.. a auxiliary or something?
- You're pretty good on healing broken hearts so I'd take you to the surgery.
- That's funny..and cute. – he smiled blushing.
- Nah babe, you would be good on working in a hospital, trust me.
- Do you think, I can go?
- Yes Zayn, you can try with me. But why don't you try theater lessons?
- That won't bring as much money to home, love..
- But your dreams will come true.
- I can still do that in my free time, right?
- Yes babe, you can. I just want you to be happy with the life you have.
- I am happy, Christine but we should get more money at home if we want to get this bigger.. – he grabbed my hands.
- The house it's big already, babe. – I giggled.
- I am not talking about houses, but home.
- Us?
- Yes, babe. Our family.
- It will be enough, babe. I am also getting money for my work's mom, remember that.
- Yes love but I don't want you to be the only person working in this house, that's not fair at all, I want to help you with everything you deserve, I want to inspire you.
- You already inspire me on so many things, babe.
- Like what?
- You don't want me to write a book right now, do you? – I smiled at him, knowing he inspires me on everything.

Zayn was going to talk when his phone started to right, he looked at me with a confused face, I got closer of him, seeing it was a facetime call from Portugal.
- Who is it ? – I asked, still looking.
- I don't know..should I pick up?
- Yes, nobody can hurt us through a phone call. – I passed my finger on his screen so we could pick up the call. How amazing it was when the woman from the airplace, the writer showed up with a big smile. – Oh my God!
- Hello my love birds!! Remember me?
- Of course we do! – Zayn said looking so happy – how did you get my number?
- You gave it to me, I tried to call you times ago..
- Oh sorry, we have been with so much to do!!
- But it's everything good, right ? Christine you look so more beautiful now! You both are!
- Thank you. Yes, everything is good. – I started to tell her – We are in our own house now, here in London.
- I am so happy to knowing that! How is the family?
- Great. – Zayn said – and with yours?
- All good. Do you know why I am calling?
- No.. – Zayn and I looked at each other.
- Well, I already wrote 9 chapters of my book..your book.
- That book? That book inspired on us? – I asked happily excited.
- Yes, of course it's that book.
- We don't know what to say.. – Zayn couldn't stop smiling. – Can we read it? When will it be released?
- Soon but first I need to know something.
- Tell us!
- Do you know the exactly day, month that you both met?
- Met like..the first time? – I asked. – the first time we talked to each other?
- Exactly.
- 24. – Zayn whispered to himself, smiling.
- 24 February – we said together, with a smile in our faces.
- Amazing.
- Why?
- I want to make something here dedicated to that beautiful number. I am glad that you both met.
- Gosh, you're making us emotional. – Zayn said with his eyes shining than ever. – Do you need anything more?
- No, my loves, you can rest and enjoy the rest of your day. I am going to leave you alone now and write more in this book.
- Update us about everything, please. I can't wait to buy that! – I said, smiling.
- Don't have to buy your own story, darling. Just text me your email later, ok ? Save my number. – she smiled at us – See you both later! Enjoy your love.
- Thank you so much, you're amazing. – Zayn said. – bye!
- Bye! Have a great time writing. – I said waving at her.
- Have a great time loving each other. Bye! – she turned the call off.
  Zayn and I looked at each other, like we just won an award or we just reached something really big together, we couldn't stop giggling and hugging each other since we turned the call with that sweet writer.
  Imagine how powerful is it to inspire a writer, who has so much imagination inside her mind, to write a own book about the love that you feel to your boyfriend, we could only be proud of us.

- She is honestly so sweet, isn't her? – I started to say, walking towards the wash machine to wash our dishes.
- She is incredible. I still can't believe our story will be read by so many people.
- I really want to read that! Can you imagine?
- Of course I can, it's our story, I know you since you was born, silly.
- Silly..but the book, the words she will use.
- I am sure it's going to be written in the best way. You read The Notebook, right?
- Don't remind me that..
- Our story will be like that too.
- What do you mean?
- We will be a legendary couple that every young boy and young girl will dream about, they will want to be like us.
- They will want to be happy, Zayn.
- I can already imagine us doing interviews together. – he started to walk around the kitchen, pretending he was walking in the wall of fame, making me laugh with his funny seducing faces. – name is Zayn and she – grabbing me by the waist taking me near of him – is the love of my life.
- If you grab me like that in the public with my hells on, you better warn me, I will fall.
- If you fall, my hands are there to grab you, they don't fail.
- Always..always ? – I looked deeply in his eyes, caressing his beautiful chin.
- Forever, babe. – he kissed me with his sweet lips – did you like the pancakes with ice cream?
- I liked more of this kiss. Can you give me more?
- You will like my surprise tonight ever more.

And without saying anything else, he started to dance with me right in the kitchen, kissing my face without counting, making me giggle, with no music in the background, just with the love and happiness in the air, that our lungs were breathing and our hearts feeling.

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