The Death

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I woke up with the pregnancy test in my mind, knowing that I should do it sooner. I got up of the bed, even knowing Zayn said last night to don't go, something told me to go. I left him sleeping like an angel in the bed, took a fast shower, dressed my Sunday outfit don't even caring if it was Sunday or not.

-          Babe. – I was right I the front of the door to go out when he walked to me – where are you going ?

-          The..the test, babe.

-          You didn't wake me up. It's too early, right ?

-          You were sleeping so good, I didn't want to mess with your head.

-          You can wake me up everyday. I don't mind to wake up to see your beautiful face.

-          I love you. I love you so much. – I gave him my morning kiss. – Now, I am going ok babe ?

-          Okay. I am going to make us the breakfast. Do you need anything done for Bob ? – he said looking at him in the sofa.

-          No babe.. I treat about him later. My dog, my responsibility.

   I smiled at him and he smiled back. I sent him a kiss in the air, and he caught it. I closed the door with everything I needed in my hand. The day was so sunny for the weather that had been the last days. It was so weird.

  I started to walk to pharmacy, nobody was in the streets, everybody were doing a weird circle in the middle of the road, people were looking in the windows, I looked back to mine to check if Zayn was looking too but I got a negative answer.

I entered in the pharmacy and it was empty, the employer was in the door, looking at the circle.

-          Good morning.

-          Bad morning.. – he looked at me – you need something ?

-          A pregnancy test, please. But..did something happen ?

-          Yes, a old man got killed yesterday night, nobody knows who did that to that poor man.

-          The streets are so dangerous now.

-          Oh no, he wasn't hitting by a car, it was people who did that. I heard some people talking about gangstars.

-          I hate this city.

-          That gang is really dangerous, they already stole me a lot of times.

His words made me think about what happened to me, what has been happening with us and more than sure, we needed to go. I gave him the money for the test and he gave it to me.

-          Good luck on that, I hope you protect yourself.

-          You too, girl. Have a good day.

-          Thank you.

I tried to walk home as fast as I could, the streets were so empty, everybody were next to the ambulance around that old man, I didn't see his face, I didn't want to. I hate to see dead people, I hate to face the death. It scares me.

-          Christine! Christine!! – I heard a familiar voice. It was Zayn. What a hell he was doing in the street ?! He was in pajama again. – Babe! – He was running from the same circle. He looked so tired and disgusted. I ran to him automatically.

-          Babe! What are you doing here ?

-          Calm down babe. I am here. – He hugged me really tight like I needed it. – Did you see ?

-          No Zayn..what is it ? You know him ?

-          I do. And you too.

-          What ? – I looked at him. My heart was in my throat. – What happened ?

-          It's..your dad, Christine. I am..I am sorry.

In that moment, I fell in the floor. My whole mind blew off. I didn't know if that was real life or if was everything just a dream. I felt like I didn't know what to do, for what to start. I needed my mom now, I needed to talk to her, I needed something that wasn't there. I couldn't think, I couldn't face the truth. I wasn't just sad because he was dead, I was sad because so much more would come, I was worried, I was scared of face everything now.

-          Babe..get up, I am here. – Zayn started to hold my body and taking me home. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I couldn't help him. – I am here. – he kept saying until we get home.

He put me in the bathroom, washing my face, caressing my hands and face. I felt like Zayn didn't know what to do to bring me up to the real life again and I didn't know either. 

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