Alone with him.

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I don't even remember to fall asleep, again but I noticed I just took a huge nap when I looked outside and I could see the stars shinning.
- ZAYN! - I screamed his name when I noticed he wasn't in the bed.
Seconds after, he came in the door, wrapped in a sheet. A old sheet. Where he found that ?
- hey babe!
- what time is it ? I am sorry if I left your family waiting, oh my God.. - I tried to get up as fast as was possible.
- they aren't here anymore. They went home!
- what ?
- yeah, I fell asleep too and when I woke up I went to living room and there was a paper saying they got home.
- Zayn..what they will think of me..
- Shut up babe! - he left the sheet and hold my body - I already called my mom. They all agreed we need some time together.
- they don't mind ?
- not at all. Tomorrow we will go at morning and we can even make them a breakfast surprise, but don't mind sunshine..they are good!
- I just don't want them to think I am a lazy ass and I don't like to do anything in life.
- babe, they love you, they admire you so much, they respect you.
- Do you think so ?
- I am sure. My dad told me some days ago.
- what did Yaser said ? You know his opinion really matters to me.
- why ? - he giggled in the cutest way - He says you are the right person for me, we really match and he's happy that I found what I was searching when I left home.
- because he's your dad and dad's opinions have a really important place in the son's life. Tell him a thank you. - I blushed.
- His opinion was always important and he's right but even if he was wrong, I wouldn't care.
- don't say that, babe. You know parents thoughts are important. I wish mine could give me some..
- babe.. I didn't mean that. - he hugged me waist, looking at my eyes trying to see if I was totally fine. I was.
- no love, I am good. It's just the truth. They raised you so well..
- why babe ?
- look at you! Just look at you, Zayn, you are the perfect person.
- I am not perfect, babe. I am not.
- you don't even need to argue with me about that okay ?

With my words, he just started to look at me, with a smile, making a confused face. He knew he couldn't win me.
I looked to the clock, it was right 8:30 pm. I had the idea of cooking something for us but we had no time do anything so we agreed in wondering Chinese & Japanese food for us. I always loved noodles & Zayn always loved sushi. So that's what we wondered.
While we were waiting for the food, we decided to put the things in the right places at my home, to change a bit, to clear my house. Well not everything because the time wasn't so long.
9:20 and the door ranged. The good was already in Zayn's hands.
- we don't eat like this such a long time.. - Zayn said sitting in the sofa, turning the tv on.
- alone ?
- no. Like in a chill way. Living room vibes. - he laughed, opening his order. What an amazing smell it had.
- so here we are, baby. To be honest, I missed that.
- you missed everything, don't you ?
- I did baby, I did.

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