The Spider

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Was my life meant to be this way ? I used to think that everything happens for a reason, I still think yes but I think too many good things are happening at once and this isn't right. Or maybe I'm only getting what I deserve.

- I won't fit in the box but I can fit in your heart. Don't I ?
- always fit there.
- I love you.
- I love you more, boo. But let me see everything you have in this box.
- okay ! - he sat on the floor.
- what you doing ?
- let's see the things!
- here Zayn ? What if
- Christine there's no spiders here okay ? I check this every..
- ZZZAAA-ZAYN ! There's..there's a A SPIDER ON THE HALL ! - I get panic every time I see a spider, no matter how they are or where they are or what they eat, I get scared and I couldn't believe that horrible thing was in front of me ! - I AM GOINGGG
I got out of that house, in that moment I wanted to put fire on it or something but honestly I couldn't even saw that spider anymore. Sounds childish no ? Yes. I have this panic of spiders since I was little and never disappeared.
- Chris..this thing is dead. It's all good now, babe. - Zayn walked to me with the box in the arms. I was honestly afraid.
- no, where that is now ? Is in the box ? Zayn if this is in the
- no babe it's not in the box. It was little so when I killed it, it smashed completely.
- Zayn, that bad girl wasn't little at all !
He laughed at me.
- know that I love that on you.
- what ?
- this way of you dealing with's just
- what do you mean Zayn ?
- that I love you. I love you and let's go, let's get out of here.

I felt calmer with him holding my hand but I still kept thinking about it and no, the spider was everything less little. But Zayn was like that. Always tried to calm me, always tried to help me, even if I knew he could be lying, all he was doing was protecting me. He always tried to make me feel good the way I am or how the things are, he helped me to face everything with a smile.

And now tell me, would I be able to forget a boy like him who were always there ?!

- so, do you wanna see it ? - he said when we arrived at his room 
- I want. At least there's no spiders.
- oh but here's worse.
- what ? No, nothing is worse than spiders, mr Hero.
- oh no ? See this. - he went to his suit on his room and turned the lights on - get out.
Cameran appeared with a sad least trying, I could see his eyes smiling.
- what were you doing ? - I asked laughing
- waiting to see our kisses, right Cameran ?
- no !!! I just went to wash my hands!
- in the dark ? Try better!
- yes! With my special gel!
- yeah yeah little brother, wanna learn how to kiss ?
- YES!
- soon but now me and Chris have something to do!
- let him stay! - I begged
- you sure ?
- yes brother yes yes yes, I will just stare at you two loving each other and nothing more.
I looked at Zayn with that expressing like, how is this possible. Cameran kept surprising me each minute.

The 3 of us sat in the floor right next to the bed and opened the box. Zayn opened.
- do you know what's inside ? - Zayn asked to Cameran
- it's a gift from Chris ?
- no brother. Those things are from Chris, that I kept when she left London. Wanna see it ?
- is there more letters ?
- let's see ... - Zayn gave the box to me - check by yourself, babe.
It had a huge tower covering the things inside, when I took it off, I saw things that had so much meaning to me. I felt tears coming to my eyes, I felt like I was back to London.
My old teddy bear, bracelets, a pencil case, old Polaroid pictures of me and Zayn, a pair of glasses that I used to wear a lot, some rubbers with my and Zayn's name, and..the necklace. The neckless that Zayn gave to me when we completed 1 year of relationship. I grabbed it as soon as I saw it.
- the most special thing there ? - he smiled
- I..I thought I had taken it with me, oh God, how you got it ?
- I told you, I committed a crime..
- Brother what if the police finds out ? - Cameran asked scared. That was so cute, I honestly had to laugh.
- no he won't, Cameran..
- if I go, I will tell them that humanity sometimes has to committee some crimes for the ones they love.

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