A lesson

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We kept dancing, loving, laughing for a while until I stopped him between a kiss and reminded we had to go to his family house to pick some clothes and more personal things of ours.
- no..let me just kiss you.. again. - he tried but I needed to stop him, although I didn't want to stop.
- Babe, shouldn't we be at home at 7pm ?
- My kisses aren't that long, boo..
- But we should go to your family's house, babe. Right ?
- Oh..yes.. Gosh, our kisses make me lose the notion of time. Let me put my jacket on. 

He walked towards the sofa, where his jacket was, grabbed the key and we left. Zayn kept checking his watch the whole time, he looked a bit worried with the time we were taking by walking and arriving.
- babe ?
- Yes love ?
- What's happening ?
- Nothing babe, why ?
- I keep seeing you looking at the clock, Zayn, is everything alright ? 
- I'm worried with the time, yeah babe.. but let's keep walking to pick the things we need at most.
- My love, I don't know what you're preparing but I can go on my own and then I arrive at home.
- No way Chris, I'll go with you!
- Are you you don't want to get back? Love, I understand.
- Nah. - he put his arm around me and kept walking, faster, by my side. - we will go together, as we always do.
We started to walk faster and in less than we expected, we were already in his house, talking with Cameran and me..well, I was getting emotional with Trisha while I was putting my clothes in the bag again. She kept telling me she knew about all of this, everybody knew and everybody knew how to hide the secret well; she said she had seen by the pictures dreamt to go there. What made me think that we should plan a family dinner together.
- my love, I really hope the new house brings you all the positivity and love. - she smiled at me right after Zayn arriving from bathroom. - and here between us..the surprise tonight will bring you amazing memories.
- Oh God, what is happening tonight? - I asked excited, being anxious for what was coming.
- Something really special, sweetheart, you'll adore for sure..
- Mom... - Zayn looked at Trisha with his left eyebrow up - don't say anything about it.
- No love, I like surprises as well.
- Zayn, Zayn, Chris, Chris! - Cameran walked to our arms - when can I visit your house?
- Tomorrow, love, tomorrow we can come here and you lunch with us! - Zayn said - and also you mom, with dad and Zi!
- Are you sure, lovely birds?
- Trisha, you make us happy, you're always welcome into our house, alright? - I said, smiling.
- Thank you, darling. I tell you the same, love.
- Well mom, thank you for all those years that you keep supporting me since I was born but now, it's time to move on with my beautiful and amazing girlfriend.
- We already had this conversation before, I'm so glad I didn't get emotional - we giggled - thank you for being my son, my love. Enjoy your new life! 

We walked towards the door, hugging Trisha, Cameran and Zi. Yaser wasn't in home in that moment; each step I was taking, a memory came into my bran, my eyes. I was remembering everything that we have been living since we were in Los Angeles, Nice, London, everything that had happened was running through my thoughts. That made me feel emotional but much stronger as a person, as a girl that had to fight her own life to be with the love of her life and in that moment, she was about to live one of the most beautiful scenes in her life.

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