Imagine: Stefan

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Imagine~ How you met human Stefan

Walking around with your brother, while everyone is is being festive. All you were thinking is going back home and stay in bed and read for the whole day but your mother wouldn't let you. She thinks that books are ruining you and books are nonsense. But you thought otherwise, books make you live in a different world, live an adventure, have love and in every single words in the book makes you fall deeply in love.

"Y/n are you even listening to what I'm telling you?" He asked as he looks down at you.

"No, sorry. I was deep in thought brother. What were you saying." You gave him a sincere smile.

"I was saying if you want to dance with me." He says.

"I love too! But you know brother that I have two left feet".

"Oh I know sis, I know". He pats yor head.

You swat his hand and said" Hey! Lacy took hours with my hair don't mess it up you dork."

"Oh sorry my beloved sister." He says sarcastically.

"Are we going to dance or not, brother". You say impatiently.

You want get finish with the dancing and sit down in a bench underneath a tree.

Your brother dragged you were they began the waltz, as the music began playing. You watched as everyone begin dancing with their partner. Everything looked fabulous as everyone dance. In a swift motion, you twirl in different arms. You looked up to see your new partner, Forest green eyes looked  into your own. As both of you began to dance around, you accidentally stepped on his foot. He yelped and you quickly said " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I told my brother that I shouldn't of dance."

"Don't apologize, it my fault. I should've took the lead".He says softly

"No its not, it's my fault because I'm horrible dancer and also I have two left feet".

"Well then it's your fault". He teases.

The music stop playing both of you began to walk from the crowd. In the corner of your eye, your brother was walking to you're way, but your mother stop him interrupting you from your green eyed partner.

"Miss. Y/L/N, it was a pleasure to dance with you". He says softly.

"Please call me, Y/n."

"Will do, Y/n. I have to go. It was a pleasure meeting you Y/n."

He turn around to began to walk away. You were stunned that he didn't gave you his name and he is going to leave you there by yourself. That'll be embarrassing being left alone by your dance partner.

Sadness washed over you, you walked toward your parents who was talking with Mr. Lockwood. You sat down with your brother fiddling with of the hems of your dress. You felt a tap on your right shoulder, you turn around and saw your green eyed partner.

"I'm sorry that I left, I'm not good at talking with people but mostly women."He says softly.

"It's fine, mister..." You trailed off for to finish your sentence.

"Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore".


Words: 524

A/n: sorry if I took long to update.

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