Imagine: Stefan

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Imagine: you found out that you are pregnant

You stare at the pregnancy test, terrified to see the results. You pace around the room, scared to death to see how your boyfriend is going to react. It's impossible for you to be pregnant, Stefan is dead they cannot procreate because vampires are dead. Sliding down to the floor, you start imagining ways to tell him or try to figure out the appropriate time to tell. Because you know Damon will be an arse, when they come home. You heard a door slam shut then two voices arguing at each other. You went downstairs, there stood the two brothers amazed to even see you are still awake. Stefan could sense how unease you are, he tried to approach our but you simple ask both brothers to sit down.


You sat there in silent, you did not know how to begin the conversation. You grasp onto Stefan's hand, you place it on your stomach and simple told Damon and him to listen. You look at Damon and a smile spread across his face then tears slowly fell down his delicate face. You jump off of the couch and began dancing around the living room. Yelling top of his lungs that he is going to be an uncle. You smiled softly towards Damon and then you looked at Stefan, he sat there frozen and staring at something else. A frown appear on your face, you knew this was going to happen.

"Stefan, are you okay?" You asked as you put you hand on his shoulder. You looks at you and whispers, "Is it my child?"

You furiously nod your head as you said, "Yes, Stefan it is yours. No one else."

He pulls you into him, he tightly wraps his arms around you and whispered, "Thank you for this beautiful gift."

"No, thank you." I wrap my arms around him and whispered into his ears softly. You quietly stare into his eyes and smiled.

"Hey, lovebirds! We should celebrate this awesome moment." Damon exclaimed with joy.

You shook your head and Stefan smiled, the doorbell rang. Damon went to open it, busting through the door was the rest of the Scooby doo gang, the originals and lastly, Enzo. Damon told all of them to hush down and to listen to what you and Stefan have to say.

You got up from the comfortable positions you were in and took hold of his hand. Stefan look at you and nodded, you gave him a light squeeze and nod your head the you were ready.

"We're pregnant!"

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