Imagine #3

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Imagine: Being kidnap by Marcel then Klaus comes and rescue you then he leaves you

Klaus is pacing back and forth, waiting for phone call but but why is he pacing back and forth. He was anxious that his beloved hasn't answer his calls nor give him at texting say "I'm busy right now please call me later." Or another rephrasing saying something else. He is worried that she is hurt or even worst bleeding to death in a alley somewhere in New Orleans. Rebekah was trying to sooth her brother but nothing was working; she is surprised that a mundane has her brother wrapped around her finger. 

Once, he told Elijah that humans were pathetic but now Elijah laughs at all the things his brother said other the centuries. They were waiting patiently for Sophie, well Rebekah and Elijah were but Niklaus on the other hand was yelling out curses and tugging his hair anxiously then finally came Sophie with her cookbook in hand.  She begins to preform the spell and told them the location where Marcel has her. 


"Marcellus!"The thundering roars of Klaus Mikaelson walking into the room. In the center of the room was his beloved covered with scars and bruises, angry filled in Klaus senses but then applauses were heard he turn around and there stood Marcel.

"Boys, he finally showed up to save his damsel in distress." Marcel howls.

"I remembered you once said that love was weakness and that human's life meant nothing to you but here we are. You are approving me that your wrong about all the things you said Niklaus."He stalks over to Klaus. 

"Marcel, I don't want to hurt you Marcellus." Nik says to him. 

"All you ever tried to do since you walked into the French Quarter that day was to hurt me and steal my kingdom!" He growled with aggression. He shoves Klaus; he gets back up and says "New Orleans is mine! I built this town not you, I did! You only stayed and just pick up the pieces. You aren't the king of the French Quarter! You are nothing!" 

It infuriated Marcel, the words that Klaus said stung him; like a stab in his heart. Marcel gave a signal to his vampires to leave. Signaling that a fight between him and Klaus, as Marcel was about to attack Klaus; a gasp slip out of the mouth of Marcel. He drop to the ground and there standing was Elijah holding the heart of Marcel. 

Klaus gasp of horror of the scene in front of him; tears start to fall down his face, the memories he shared with Marcel came rushing through his mind. Elijah stood there and let the heart fall down to the ground and look back up to Klaus, then said "I'm sorry, brother. I didn't mean too; I-I ."  Elijah began to stutter; Klaus couldn't there anymore, he thought the more he stayed there the more he felt like killing his older brother.  He vampire speed with you in his arms back home.


He gently place you down on the king size bed and sat down; as he waited for you to wake up he began to think of ways to keep you safe, secure and most importantly out of danger and then he came up with one. But this idea was going to break your heart and his. He got up from the chair and walk into his art studio; he grabbed a piece of paper and start to leave a note for you. 

You start  to wake up from your slumber; pain rushes through you, a hiss slips out your mouth and as you sat back up, you notice you were alone in your bedroom. You got up from bed and began to search around, you began to out Klaus's name but no one answered. When you walked into Klaus's art studio there you saw a note on the coffee table.  

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