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Imagine 》 Elijah propose to you

Valentine's Day, the most annoying holiday of the year. How I hate this stupid holiday with a passion, I  always locked your door until the day was over. I  had what I  need food, movies and comfort of my home. Elijah, my boyfriend for three years know how much I  hate this holiday, maybe he might have errands or a family business to do. But I  was completely wrong.

On Tuesday morning, there was a loud knock on the door. I  picked up the remote control to pause the T.V, I went out my room and down the stairs to reveal the person who was at the other side of my door waiting. I open the door to reveal Elijah, who I noticed who has gifts for me. I knew he's the best boyfriend that a girl could ask for. But how I hate that he never listens to me.


Elijah you shouldn't have."  I said with joy.

"But I should. I should show my girlfriend that she means the world to me and that she has beautiful as the way she is." He said while closing the door.

I grab my gifts and I lay them down on the table that was near the door. He lean down to give a kiss on the lips, I cupped his cheeks to deepen the kiss but he aparted away. I raise a brow from the confusion of why he parted away.

"We have a lot of things to do, Darling. Let's not ruin our day shall we."He cups my cheeks and he gives me a peck on my lips.

"Go upstairs and change." He says while turning me  around and pushes me softly.


I began to range through my closet to find something to wear but I remember this gorgeous navy blue dress.

(On the side)

I walk down stairs to see Elijah took his hand out for me to take. We got out of the house and into the car, ready to go to the mysterious destination he is talking me.

I was fidgeting with the promise ring gave me for Christmas two years ago. I was nervous for some odd reason and all I wanted was to dig a hole to hide.

I saw a hand in front of my face and I notice that the car engine was off and that we're here at the restaurant. I grab a hold of his hand as he swiftly lifts me up, we both walked into the restaurant, I saw that we were the only ones in the restaurant and I knew for sure he compelled them for us to have it in peace and no disturbation from people.

The waiter came and asked for our orders, after 5 minutes he came back and wink at me. In the corner of my eye, Elijah rolled his eyes and took a sip of wine.


"Y/n, darling. I have something to tell you." He said while adjusting his tie

"Yes, what is it Elijah?" I asked

"I know we've been dating for three years now, I would to spend all eternity with you." He says as he gets in one knee.

"Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me and make me the happiest man on the world."

"Yes yes yes!" I screamed

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