Preference~ They get jealous

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Preference~ They get jealous


He would pull you to his lap and kiss your neck to prove that you are his and only his.

He will be very touchy and gives you kisses when he see when men are checking you out

Well, Klaus is same old Klaus, giving threats to any man whoever dares to flirt with you.

Elijah being himself, noble and responsible. He would simply compel the said person whoever flirted with you and tell him to leave

Damon has capability to get quiet angry when someone pisses him off. He would do one of these three when he gets jealous.
- threat
-kill the flirtatious bastard

Or he would do all three

Saint Stefan, he would confront the person and  give you kisses to prove that you are his. If he is moody he will simply, pout in annoyance

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