Imagine 》 Kol

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Imagine Kol reading your diary

Everybody keeps their memories differently, some people take pictures or videos and other write everything in a book called a diary. I started writing in diaries since the age of 6. I was never talkative one in class nor was I the popular one. I was different from everyone of my siblings.

Since the Mikaelson move into Mystic Falls, there have been a lot of disappearance in town. I always got suspicious when I was at the Grill because Elena and Stefan would always take me back home. But one day at the Grill, I sat down in the corner alone reading one of my favorite book "Lady Midnight" by Cassandra Clare. I notice someone was was sitting in front of me. I looked up to see it was one of the Mikaelson but I don't know which one.

"Hello Darling, my name is Kol and yours." He said with a smirk.

"Y/n." I respond softly.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl as yourself." He leans over and props his hand on the table to support himself.

I laid my book and quietly said " thank you." In all my Middle school and High school years no one ever told me that I was beautiful, I felt like it was a lie but is it a lie from this stanger.

"Don't be shy, love. I don't bite, how about me and you have fun. Shall we." He respond.

"Um... Kol, we just barely met and why would I hang with a person that I barely met. For All I know, you could be a serial killer." I stated

"You are right, love. I could be a serial killer but you would never know would you." He replys.

I hesitate on grabbing his hand, I took a deep breath and placed my hand on his.

That was like 3 months ago, but now I fell unconditionally and idioticly in love with him. But why did I fall in love with him, there are a bunch of guys out there but I fell in love with an original vampire.

The whole Scooby-Doo Gang didn't approved of me hanging with Kol because they think he is a bad influence. But I don't care, it's my life not theirs. If I fucked my life then I fucked it.


"Goodnight mom." I said.

I heard her respond back while I closed my door, I turn around to see Kol sitting on my bed with a book in his hands. I notice the book was my diary. Well I'm fucked.

" Well, well nice shorts, y/n." He smirks.

" Umm... Kol what are you doing in my room?" I asked

" Well I came to see you but then I saw this interesting book here on this comfy bed, so I picked it up and began to read it."He says, so my favorite part of this book is when it's talking about this hot British guy."

I took a deep breath and began to fidget with my bracelets, he says " I barely met him 3 months ago and Im in love with him but I can't help it being in love with him. Does he feel the same way? Those plump lips that are so kissable, I could kiss him everyday."

He walks closer to me and says" kiss me then."

I stand there frozen, I couldn't move a muscle. As he leans closer, he brushed his lips with mine and gave me a peck on the lips.

With that he left, leaving me standing there.

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