Imagine 》Damon

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Imagine interrupting your fangirl session
(Serendipity by Park Jimin)

You were anxious to go home, you've been fiddling with your bracelets for hours waiting to see the a music video. You idiotically left your phone at home, you had nothing to see the video. You asked Alaric, if he could let you borrow his laptop or phone but he said no. You huffed in annoyance and walked out of the classroom heading to cafeteria where all your friends were. All your friends knew that you had an obsession over this Kpop group called BTS but they thought it wasn't huge, they were wrong. They thought that when you stated dating Damon, you wouldn't be that obsessed anymore but no you were still the same. You sat down and look up the ceiling to get yourself distracted or to think about anything else except the music video.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Stefan questions concerned

You shook your head saying it was nothing but is was something. It was a music video of Park Jimin singing and being fucking adorable. You sighed and gave him a look.

"What's bothering you?" He asked again

You took a deep breath and said "I'm like this because I can't see the god damn new music that BTS out for the comeback, okay. I left my phone at home."

You pout and cross your arms around your chest, Stefan grinned and he knew that it had to be about those Chinese boys. (I know they are Korean) even though you told him a thousand of times that they were Korean, he annoyed you and kept in saying that they are Chinese.

"That why?" He chuckles

You simply nod your head and took a french fries from his plate, start munching on them.

"I'll let you borrow my phone when we head to Alaric's classroom to discuss the whole Klaus situation."

You nod your head in joy, the bell rang, you both walked to Alaric's classroom.

"Close the door."

You closed the door and sat down on a table near to hear the conversation. Stefan took out his phone and hand it to you. You squealed and went on YouTube quickly to see the beautiful video.

The only person that was missing was your boyfriend, Damon Salvatore. The older brother of your best friend, Stefan. Here he comes almighty and handsome as always.

He came up to you and gave a hug then a peck on the lips, you quickly returned it and went back to focus on JIMIN. The video began to start, you took a deep breath and grab a hold on the desk.


Through out the whole music video, Damon has been trying to get ur attention and had interrupted your fangirling sections. When the music video was over, you quickly went to download it on your phone. All the way home, you've been jamming to song and talk all about Jimin. Which Damon was getting very annoyed because you haven't been paying attention to him. Then Damon had enough of your fangirling.

"Can you shut about those stupid Chinese boys and pay attention to me!" He shouts.

There was a silence in the car then you stood there quiet. You murmur a quiet sorry and got off the car.

Afterward, he regret yelling at you. He went up to your room and sat down on your bed.

"Y/b, I'm sorry for yelling at you but sometimes you get annoying when you talk about those Chinese boys. Please forgive me."

"One, they are not Chinese. They are fucking Korean, you dimwit. Two, I won't fangirl in front of you no more. Three, I forgive and I apologize also." You said and uncovered yourself.

He smiles and gives you a hug, you let go of him and said "But come on if you have seen the Serendipity music video, you would've been amazed by it, man. JIMIN WAS FUCKEN ADORABLE!!!!"

A/n~ hello guys, it's been long time since I've updated and I'm sorry for that. I can't be updating  a lot lately because I have mid terms and I need to study I'll be updating when I have time. Also for anyone who wants an imagine, I'll be writing it in my new book called One Shots.

Please don't forget to

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