Imagine: Stefan

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Imagine: Stefan meeting you at the Mikaelson ball

Huffing in annoyance, you did not understand why your family is making you go to this ball. Yes, is because to show that we mean no harm or what so ever. No one knows about you,
The day that you were pulled out of the coffin, Elijah, your brother told you to hide until the guest have left. You simply nod your head and did not say a word. When the guest left, you were livid and pissed off that Klaus had dagger you since the day that you made that vow with your sibling, "always and forever."

There was a knock on the door, you mumble a come in. There stood your older sister, Rebekah, looking lovely in her envy green dress.

"Are you ready, Y/n?" She asked as she comes closer to me.

I nod my head softly and look at myself one last time, then walk out of the room with my sister trailing behind.

All my siblings were waiting for my arrival so we can convince the ball. Elijah gives me a warm smile and while the rest shook their head because of the dress that I was wearing. Something about it is inappropriate for a girl my age to wear such thing, they blame on Rebekah. I shook my head and smile, one by one we walk down the stairs and look down at our guest. Elijah begins to announce how glad that the guest came, I on the other hand I did not want to be here. I want to be in my room and read a book. I cannot stand socialize with bunch of idiots. I felt as if there was a burning hole that is being drill down on my back. I look toward where that burning sensation was coming from. I caught a pair of forest green eyes staring at me, beside him was I believe his brother and lastly, between the boys was the famous Petrova Doppleganger. I shook my head, I was never a fan of Tatiana. I always knew she was a harlot when I first saw her.

My brother announced that we will dance. I walk down slowly toward the crowd to see the people dance but a shadow block my way.

I look up to see the forest green eyed man standing right I front of me. I smiled softly, he stood with his hand out and said, "Would like to dance?"

I place my hand slowly on his, he took me to the ballroom where everyone is already to incite the dance.

"You're the famous Mikaelson that no one knows about." He says.

"You can say that, Mr." I smile softly.

"Salvatore... Stefan Salvatore, at your service. Miss Mikaelson." He replied.

A soft giggle escape my lips,  danced together until the music finally came to an end. We said our goodbyes.

"I would love to see you more, Miss Mikaelson."

I have a small nod, I began to walk back into the manor but I turn around and yelled," My name is Y/n!"

He turns around smiles, that was the first I ever seen him smile throughout the whole ball.

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