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Here's a request for @wolfiebearforever

Imagine 》She is the wife of Jeremy and they have a baby boy

Screams of pain and agony was heard down the hall of the hospital, in the wait room there stood Elena and Ric. While Elena is trying to contact her brother Jeremy. The Salvatore's, The Mikaelsons, Caroline, Matt, Tyler, Bonnie and we'll everyone came to see their friend, who is giving birth to her baby boy.

"Where is Jeremy?" Asked Bonnie

"I've called but it goes straight to voice mail". Elena says annoyed.

"I'll call him." Matt suggested.

Took his phone and call Jeremy, the vampires heard who she deeply wanted was Jeremy to be there to comfort her. It tear Stefan ' s heart to hear is best friend is going through pain, he got up from his seat walked into the room where his friend is.


She hears the door of her room open, a smile spread across her face but when she took a closer look. The smile was gone but she was happy that her nest friend is here for her.

"Hey, your going to be alright. You can do this". He soothes.

You grab a hold of his hand and took deep breaths and pushed a little harder.


Jeremy rushes into the hospital asking where you or what room, but Elena came pulled him to the room you were in. She shook head and walked back with to everyone.

"Do you think she will forgive him?" Bonnie asked

"Well she does have a temper but in the end her love for young Gilbert is deep, so yes she will forgive him." Klaus told her.

She rolled her eyes and sighed,  she turns back to her atenttion to her vampire boyfriend Enzo. She lays her head on his shoulder and takes a deep breath.


Jeremy walks into the room where she lays holding her screams inside so there no shirking pain. Stefan  into her ear saying Jeremy was here. A smile spread across her face, Jeremy reaches for her left hand and squeezed in for comforting her.

"Push, push Mrs. Gilbert. The baby is coming".Doctor King said to her.

She pushes and screams, Jeremy and Stefan try to soothe her and calm her down but she screa,s at the, to shut the bloody up. They both stayed silent.

She gave the last push and the baby boy was in the arms of Doctor king. He hands the baby to nurse, she cleans the baby amd hands it to Jeremy.

Everybody comes into the room and are in awe of the baby boy that in their best friends arms.

"What should we call him." Jeremy asked.

"Liam." Caroline suggested.

"We are not calling him Liam from One Direction." Jeremy said.

" damnit." She snapped her fingers.

"What about Justin or Nicholas." Kai said

There were a bunch of no's, Kol then suggested " Blaine wait for it."

"First in years, I agree with Kol." Said Jeremy.

"No were are not calling him that, we are calling him Jack." She says.



A/n: Sorry it took long to update. My grams cut off the WiFi, so I asked my neighbor for WiFi password and he gave it to me.

If you want to ask questions about me so you get to me. Please ask away.

Don't forget to comment, vote, amd follow if you like.

✌x_klaus_mikaelson_x 😚

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