Imagine: Elijah

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Preference ~ You get hurt while arguing with Stefan and Elijah finds you

"Why do you still care about her?" I yelled

He rubbed his temple and gave me a look, and toon a deep breath.

"Y/n, you know what Elena means to me." He says as he takes a step forward.

"Stefan, you told me that you won't see her anymore. That you will let your brother and the rest of the Save Elena squad to do the saving." I retaliate back to him, I was done and beyond annoyed that he will drop anything to save her.

He looked at me and stayed silent, he took a step back and sat down on the couch. I knew he did not want to argue anymore but I was done with him putting Elena first then me. I am his girlfriend, he should put me first. I shook my head and said, "I'm sorry, I can no longer do this."
In that moment his head instantly look back right up, he replied angrily," You are being unbelievable! This is just your jealously talking. I only love you! How many times do I have to tell you? Just because Elena is my ex, who for a fact means nothing to me!"

"If she means nothing to you then why are you still helping her out. If she means nothing to you then why isn't when she is in trouble you drop everything to go and save her. If she means nothing to you then why you always go back to her."
I shook my head and sighed, "I can't do this anymore. This is over. I do not want to be in a relationship where my significant other is still attach to his ex. I do not want to feel like I am the second choice."

I walk toward the door and left, I heard Stefan calling for me to come back inside. I kept on walking.


I was now in the woods, tears fell down my face. I am such a fool to believe that he was over her. I sat down and look up at the starry sky, you have a better view of the stars.

Sat there alone with my thoughts, I am finally hearing my thoughts for the first in two years being in this relationship. I am scared to were my thoughts will lead me to.  The wind blows harder, shivers runs down my spine and I knew I'll be staying here for the night.

I slowly closed my eyes, then I heard a snap from my right. Fear rises through me, I was scared to see what will come at me. I slowly got on my feet and began to take steps back. I remembered myself to take deep breaths and to maintain calm. A small adorable bunny hop out of the bush, I began laughing hysterically because of the fear that I felt. A hand place itself on my shoulder, I jumped away from the mysterious silohoute and turn around, to see Elijah Mikaelson standing there.

"Y/n, do by telling me why are you in the woods?" He questions.

You gave a skeptical look and replied back, "Do tell Elijah, why are you back in Mystic Falls? Aren't you suppose to be New Orleans?"

He chuckles softly and shook a his head, "You still have that witty attitude."

You smiled softly and replied, "I got into an argument with Stefan."

He shook his head, took his hand out for me to hold, I careful put my hand on his. He locks his fingers with mine, he began walking forward. I stumble with my own feet, he wraps his arm around my waist.

"You're still clumsy." He retaliates.

I huff in annoyance, he has the nerve to drag me around as if I am a nuisance of a child that wants a piece of candy from the store and the mother sad no.

But here I am allowing him to drag me to that unknown place, I am a fool. Maybe those are the reasons why Stefan chose to hang out with Elena more than he ever did with me.

We come near to A house, wait a minute not a house, a freaking mansion. I took a better look it was the Mikaelson Manor, this was where they use to live until the business that Klaus had in New Orleans, he decided to leave Mystic Falls.

Elijah opens the door to the mansion, gesture for me to sit down and stay there. He came back with nightgown and a robe then told me to take a shower.


When I got of the shower I heard voices downstairs, I followed the voices until I reach to the study where they were at. There stood, Elijah and Klaus, they both look at me and smiled.

"Hello, love. How are you?" Klaus greets me and open his arms wide for a hug.
I accept the warm hug that I miss, he whispers into my ear saying that he knows that i I am having trouble in paradise.

He lets go and Elijah hands me papers, I took hold of the  stack of paper then gave ten both looks "what's is this for?"

"You have now where to stay so Klaus and I decided that the Mikaelson Manor will be yours now at the moment." He explains.

"I will pick up your belonging and put them in my old room and for right now we will be eating pizza." Klaus says.

You are very thankful for having them in your life, mostly Elijah. He has been the only one person to help in stressful situations.

𝔸/𝕟: 𝕚 𝕒𝕞 𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕚𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕝𝕖

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