Preference: Thanksgiving

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Preference: Thanksgiving

Damon: "Why are we doing this again?"

You turn around to face Damon, your hands on your hips and said"because we have to be thankful for everything that your family or friends have done for you."

"But why are we the ones to host?"

"Because Jenna always host the parties and it is time for her to have fun."

"Just be thankful that Stefan have not ate your corgi."

Stefan: "What are we going to do for Thanksgiving?"

*huffs out in annoyance*

"Can we not do anything for thanksgiving?"

*Stefan raise a brow and wraps his arms around your waist*

"You know you never told me your birthday."

"The reason to that is because I do not want you to know my birthday."

"Why is that?"

*He thought about it some little more until he put the pieces together*

"Wait your birthday is on Thanksgiving!"

Jeremy: "Does Jenna always get drunk while being festive?"


"Want to get out of here?"

*you faced him and smiled*

"Where to?"

"Anywhere but here."

*at the end both of you decided on going to the store  and do dumb shit*

Klaus , Elijah and Kol:

You sat there staring at the siblings in front of you arguing about the littlest of things. You took a sip of champagne and giggled, it's a normal day here in the Mikaelsons; you turn to your left and began to make a conversation with Marcel.

_____ yelled out "Enough!"

Everyone was quiet and stared at the person, who had spoken.

"Lets cherish this day with no arguments." Said _____

He came towards you and gave a kiss on you lips then sat down next to you on the right.

A/n: the meaning of the blank is that you have to choose between one of the Mikaelson men. Also I know this is late but I have been busy with studying for my finals and projects. I am sorry for this being late.

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