Imagine: Kol

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Imagine: Kol getting jealous by Damon flirting with you

Everyday, You and Kol head to the Grill. Going to the Grill turn to a tradition for the both of you. As you open the door to the grill, you notice the group of people have a laugh or having a good time with their friends, but you did not care what was going on with  the people around you. You only cared about one certain person; but sadly he is late. Which is odd that he is late, but yet again he could be taking care of some errands that his brother, Klaus ordered him to do.

You sat at a booth away from the people, you we never a fan of being social, you prefer the quiet over the loud racket that teens your age are good. The Mikaelson never understood how on earth did Kol and you fell for one another. Kol was reckless and loud while you were quiet and careful, but what can they say, opposites do attract each other. The day that Kol introduced you to his family was an eventful day with a lot of nagging and  being interrogated by his sister, Rebekah. You were never fond of Rebekah, she seem obnoxious, but you got to know her more then immediately you bond over shopping and talking about the 20's. You got along with every sibling of Kol, there were times that Elijah came up to and whispered to your ear a Thank you. He thank you everyday because finally his younger brother is no longer causing trouble. But you other than that you had a great relationship with his siblings, there was a point where Kol did not trust his brother, Klaus, Kol thought that Klaus being near you will only cause your death but with a lot of persuading and facts about stating the otherwise.


You checked you phone to see that Kol was at least two hours late, you took a deep breath and sending him at message saying why is he taking long. He only replied with "I am busy helping Klaus."

You nod your head understanding the logical reasoning why he is late. You sent him a text saying that you will wait for him at the grill.

Someone approached their self towards your booth and sat across from you, you look up from your phone to see it was Damon. You took a deep breath and gave him a small smile, then said"What do you want?"
He took a sip of his alcoholic beverage and cleared his throat, then replied "I just wanted to talk."

You gave him a look and respond "Really? Talk about what?"

He looks around and replies with"You."


He nods his head and smiled, he hollar Matt to come over. He ordered two hamburgers with fries and a root beer float. Matt walked away, Damon turns a toward you and took hold of your hand then whispers"You are the most interesting person I have ever met."

You were shocked, you open your mouth to say something but nothing came out.


As you were talking to Damon, you were in someone's arms and a  kiss was planted on your lips. You open your eyes to seem it was Kol, he let go of you and turns to Damon.

"I suggest you back the fuck off, mate."

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