Imagine: Jeremy

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Imagine: Jeremy being your secret admirer and everyday he buys you strawberry milk

Everyday when you came to school, in your locker there is a letter and a bottle of your favorite milk. Question is who has been putting those letters and the bottle of milk.

You tied your best to figure out who is the admirer but you have not found who it was. You stayed after school to see if the admirer would leave something but you have not caught the said person. Even, you went to school very early to see if you will figure out who it was but nothing. You were getting sick and tired of not knowing who this secret admirer is.

You even asked Caroline and Stefan to see if they can help you figure out who. Sadly, the were both useless on helping you. Stefan said"that is the fun part about having a secret admirer. You question on who it is."

Do you think I am having fun? I am stressing over the fact that I want to figure out who this person is.


(Third person p.o.v)

One early morning, Y/n's phone rang, she shift around her bed and pick up her phone with a huff of annoyance.

(Y/n is bold / Jeremy is italics)

Hello, the magnificent Y/n is speaking. How may I help you?

Soft chuckles were heard from the other end of the phone, she found the laugh peaceful. She can hear the laugh all day if she could.

Well,  hello the magnificent Y/n ! We do indeed need your help! Can you please hurry to the depth of hell and help our forsaken souls  from this horrendous situation?

So, you want me to go to school early to have a meeting with the rest of the gang? What is the situation this time?

You know the usual, Klaus stealing kids candy  and  bad people popping out guns.

I wouldn't have thought that Klaus would stoop that low.

It's Klaus!, he would kick a puppy if he saw one or worst he might even eat one.

The kicking I do believe  but not the eating one because that is Stefan job to eat poor innocent animals. I have a feeling that the woodland creature will gang up and take their revenge, therefore Stefan will pay for what he has done to their family

I can actually see this

Right!! Okay, I will see you in school. Bye!


They both hang up the phone, she got up from the comfort of her bed. She head  to the bathroom to take quick shower, when done, she changed into a pair of black ripped jeans, a back crop top and lastly her boots. She walked out of the door, yelling out a bye to her parents.


When she arrived, she quickly dashed into the history room of Alaric's.

"What is the situation?" She said while looking at the people standing cowardly.

"We do not know what to do for Christmas!" Caroline shrieked.

Y/n put her hands on her hips and gave a what the fuck look. She rubbed her temples, wondering if this was the deadly, horrendous and terrifying situation that they need help. She stood there annoyed and iterated that they woke her up (way to early for her liking).

Y/n was about to turn around and leave but Jeremy blocked the entrance. He gave her a look signifying to stay, she nod her head and turns around.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" She huff out annoyed

Caroline smiled and said"Can you help me plan?"

She nod her head and ruffled her bangs, Stefan appeared and gave her a hug. She smiled and gave a look. He shook his head no, and she crossed her arms. She stomped out the door to her, when she did so, she heard the snickers of Stefan and Caroline.

"Y/n!" Someone yell out for her attention. She turn around and it was Jeremy, she stood there waiting for him to come near.

"I was wondering if you can help me with something." He said with his hands in the pockets of the hoodie

She curtsy and replied"Will do my lord."

He laughed and dragged her back to the classroom. They sat down and began talking, out of nowhere they began talking about their love life.

"Come on, there has to be someone that you are interested in!" Y/n exclaimed

Jeremy took a deep breath and shook his head no, he cleared his throat and murmurs"I am not going to tell you."

She sighs and shook her and went back to explaining how to solve the problem. A ring was heard, Jeremy picked up his phone and said that Elena was calling him. 

She sat there waiting for him, Y/n decided that it will the best time to do her History homework, She check her backpack to see if the history book is in there but it wasn't. She cursed under my breath, She got out of the classroom heading to locker to retrieve the book.  She stop to see that Jeremy was at her locker, with a paper bag in his hand. He pull out a glass bottle of strawberry milk, she smiled. He shook his head and turn around, when he notice her standing there; he paused and mumble words out that Y/n did not understand.

With a smile on her face she said"It was you all along."

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