Imagine 》 Jeremy

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Imagine 》  being in love with Jeremy but he's not in love with you

I've  been friends with Jeremy Gilbert since we were in Kindergarten. As the years past, I grew feelings for him, but  what a idiotic mistake I've made.

But I had to learn and deal with the pain that I felt whenever I saw him with Vicki and Anna. The only people that knows about my feelings for Jeremy are Stefan and Matt, I'm very greatful they never said a word to no one. 


"Come on, y/n, tell me whose the guy your in love."Caroline kept pestering.

"Care, I don't want to say so please stop pestering me." I said annoyed.

"Y/n, we're best friends and best friends tell eachother everything. I've told you all my secrets, please tell me. And its not fair that you told Matt and Stefan " She said with her puppy eyes.

"Urh, fine but I swear if you tell anybody, I'll  fucking kill you got it."

"Yes got it . "

" It's Jeremy." I blurted out.

"Oh my god, no way Elena ' s baby brother." She said giggly.

"Can you shut up?" I asked her.

"Your secret is safe with me." She said.

" What secret?" Elena snd Bonnie questioned

"'s nothing important...right Caroline."

"Really isn't, it's just an issue that she have."

"What type of issue?"Bonnie raised a brow.

I  began to panic and I turn to look at Caroline who is also panicking with me.

" Y/n has a crush on Stefan."Caroline blurted out quickly.

I gave her a "What the Fuck " look.

"Really, why didn't  you say anything."Elena said.

"What did you wanted her to say, "Oh Elena, I'm have a crush on your ex. I hope you don't mind."Bonnie said.

"Do you guys think I'll get mad if she asked Stefan out?" Elena asked.

No one said a word, as my prayers were answered Jeremy came to my rescue.

"You guys won't mind if I take y/n, right." He grab a hold of my wrist amd yank me out of my seat without an answer he took me out of The Grill.

"Hey, what's going on?" I questioned.

"I just wanted to ask you a question." He says while sitting on a bench not that far from The Grill.

"What is it?" Hoping that he was going to say the words that I always want to hear come out of his mouth.

"What do you think about Bonnie? " He asked.

"What do you mean I think about Bonnie. You have to be more specific on me, as a sister, best friend, or a lover." I said the last part quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

" As my girlfriend."he says.

"I think you guys would be amazing couple. My new OTP." I said with a fake smile.

"Really, you think so."

"I know so, Jer."I said while patting his back.

"Thank you for being my best friend."He says as he wraps his arms around my waist.

A pang of pain and jealously rush through my body, yet again I have to get use to it.

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