Imagine 》 Mikaelson

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Imagine 》 Being a Mikaelson and meeting the Scooby-Doo gang in the Mikaelson ball

It's never been easy being a Mikaelson with all the enemies and arguments my family has. But being the youngest was harder.
For many reasons,
one, I'm not aloud to go out by myself
Two, I can't flirt with guys nor have a boyfriend (figure out who event this rule)
Three, I have to be unknown to everyone.

Yep, no one in this town knows about me not even the stupid hybrids my brother made. But today is going to be the day that I won't be hiding in the shadows anymore. So my family decided to have a ball, goodie. Note my sarcasm.


"Rebekah & Y/n, how do I look?" My brother, Kol questioned.

"Oh Kol, you know we can't be compelled." Rebekah said going back on reading her magazine.

"Compel, yourself a dumb bitch so she can compliment you." I said.

" Y/n, language!" Finn and Elijah said unison.

" What?" I asked innocently.

"You will never learn, will you."

"Not at all." I answered.

Both of them go back on what they were doing, until we heard someone slam the front door of the house.

"Rebekah!" The roars of my brother, Niklaus boomed through the whole mansion.

I put in my earplugs to zone out my beloved siblings out, I never like it when they argued nor did I like it when Klaus daggers them. But I always wondered why he never daggered me over the centuries.
There was one time when I asked him but he never gave me the answer to it. He simply change the subject and began to go on and on about Katerina.

I got off the couch and walk my way to my room, I closed the door and plugged in my phone to the stereo. " House of Cards " by Bts was playing in the background. I quickly went to take a shower, when I got out of the bathroom, there on top of my bed laid a beautiful dress and other accessories that companied the dress.

I quickly change into the dress and to begin getting myself ready.

I notice my brother, Finn was talking with the Doppelganger, me being the snoop of the family I decided to listen to their conversation.

"Finn Mikaelson, you here to see my mother." He says as he passes a glass of Champagne to her.

"Is she here?" She asked looking both ways.

" I requested not to bring your friends."

"Their protecting me, you may not know but your mother did tried to kill me once." She respond.

"If you want to see my mother; you need to be alone."

"Can everyone could gather please." Elijah announce.

 As Elijah announce, Finn went to the stairs where my other siblings.

" Welcome and thank you for joining us, you know whenever my mother brings our family together like this it tradition for us to convince the evening with a dance..."

"Do you see, who I see but whose the chick that's standing next to Klaus. "  the one with raven hair said.

"I don't know. Want me to figure it out."

With a nod, he went to catch the Doppelganger before she goes to my mother.  I walked down the stairs to see a pair of forest green eyes staring at my owm.

"Care to dance. "

"My pleasure. "


A/n: On my bio there's the schedule

X_klaus_mikaelson_x 😚

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