Imagine #1

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A/n: Here's your imagine @adommybearforever.
Hope you love it and enjoy it!
I also want to say is that I'm so sorry for taking to long to write this but I think the wait was worth it because it longer that any of imagine I did.

Imagine 》 Being Bonnie ' s mother but left her and her father for a music  career as a singer. She came back to Mystic Falls and Ruby is pissed off.

I was pacing back and forth, figuring out how to tell my husband, Ruby, about this offer I got at Hi or Hey Records.

"Ruby would understand wouldn't he. This has been my dream since I was a child and now it's coming true." I thought

I got up from the couch and walked into my room.  Opening the closet,  I took out two luggage and thrower them on the bed.  I began ramage through the closet and deciding which outfits to take with me.

Minutes later, I finished packing my belongings. I know what I'm doing right now is going to be regretful and unforgiven but right now I don't care at this moment. I called at taxi, seconds later I heard the honking of the taxi I called for.

I took a deep breath and walked out of the door. I hand him my luggage, as I got inside the car a tear fell down my face.

"I know I going to miss my husband and my baby girl, Bonnie. I hope that she will forgive me." I thought.


(Years later)

-Third p.o.v-

"The sensational, Y/n Bennett is at it again with her number one hit single "Slumber party" ft. Tinashe." The host exclaimed with joy as everyone cheered for the artist.

Bonnie Bennett grab the remote off from the coffee table and turned off the t.v . She faced her best friends since they were toodlers.

"I can't believe she left me for a stupid music career."Bonnie said as she throws the remote at the couch.

"Maybe she had a reason to leave." The Blonde vampire assured.

"Even if she did, Care. She could've at least called or even write me a letter."

"Can't hate her forever, Bonnie." The doppelganger says.

"Yes, I can and yes I will." Bonnie said

But little did Bonnie that her wish; she wished when she was a child is coming true. Her father didn't tell her that her mother was coming to meet her.

(Three days later)

-Y/n Bennett p.o.v-

It's been years since I have been at Mystic Falls . Today is the day, I'm going to meet my daughter, Bonnie. I've been waiting for so long to meet her but will she get mad at me for leaving her? For not giving her  an explanation to why i left her and her father . In the letters, I've given her as a child has little detail of information to why I left and it only contains the reasons why I love her.

My taxi ride stop at my mother's house, I open the car door to get out and there comes out my mother. Taxi driver leaves my luggage on the side walk and drives away. She walks down the stairs and walks towards me but halts in front of me.

"Seventeen years and now you have the courage to show your face around here. " My mother, Shelia says, "But I forgive you my child. Come here and give me a hug."

I wrap my arms around her slim frame and as she whispers" Thank God, your back and maybe for good."


I heard clatter of pots being dropped to the floor, I got up from my bed and made my way to kitchen.

"Mom, do you need help with any-" I stop midsentce when I saw Ruby and my Bonnie with other two girls Tha are standing behind her.

"Umm... Hello." I said.

"Hey, I'm Caroline Forbes, the daughter of Liz Forbes." Caroline said with a cheerful tone.

"Are you sure your the daughter of Liz Forbes because your peppy and your mother on the other hand is out. " I thought.

"Nice to meet you, Caroline." I shake her hand.

"Hi, I'm Elena Gilbert."  The Katherine look alike says.

"Nice to meet you as well."

"What are you doing here, Y/n?" Ruby asked with anger.

"I wanted to see you guys and to know how wer-" I was cut of by Bonnie.

"Why the hell did you came here if you know clearly that we don't want you here? " She questioned.

"I know both of you don't  want me here and especially, you,  Ruby but I just want talk to you and meet you, Bonnie."

"You know my answer to that is no. Bye." She waves off and walks out of the house.

Caroline and Elena began calling her to come back; seconds later, Ruby said "Just go back; we don't need you."

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