Preference: Chirstmas

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A/n: the meaning of the blank is that you guys have to fill it in with

Like every December, everyone is with their family or friends. But sadly, you have no one to celebrate this lovely holiday with a loved one. They either are with their boyfriends/girlfriend having a movie night or going to balls that will be held at the Lockwood Mansion. They left you alone with a bucket of ice cream and the tv watching endless Christmas movies. At the moment you were watching Nightmare before Christmas, a sad smile slowly appeared on your face, it was a tradition in your family; you and your family would put the movie on and start sing out the lyrics. You look up towards the ceiling and sighed, how come everything has to change? Your family stopped hanging out on Christmas Day, they began making plans or some moved out of state to start a better life.

There was a knock on your door, you took a deep breath of annoyance, debating on opening the door or not. You got up from the comfort of your couch, walked toward the door; when you opened the door their stood ______, shivering from the cold. You opened the door wide enough for him to come inside.

"What are you going here?" You asked as you crossed your arms around your chest.

"I heard you were rather alone, so I decided to come and hang out with you." He replied with taking off his scarf and hat.

You raised a brow then frail your arms around signifying that you were done with his bullshit. You knew that Caroline or Rebekah made him come, you only told those two about your feelings that you had for this man that is standing in the hall way.

You made a gesture for him to follow you into the living room, where he saw your coffee table covered with a lot of junk food. You heard him chuckle, then he replied with," How about we go grocery shopping?"

You raised a brow then replied" What for? There is food on the table."

He shook his head and points at the table then respond with "that's not food."
You looked up at the ceiling and sighed, you were having at argument with yourself if you should go with him. You looked at him and notice, he had a amused look on his face; you rolled your eyes and gestured to let's go grocery shopping.


As we got off the car, we slowly walked towards the store. All I had in mind was Cookie and cream mochi, how I am in love with mochi? I cannot wait to have some, I did a small little dance; I heard a chuckle. I turn around and smiled, I took hold of his wrist and pulled him towards the entrance of store. I quickly tried to head over to the snack section but I was yanked back and was dragged towards to get real food.


When we got we began to cook the food. The beautiful aroma filled the kitchen, I cannot wait and take a bit. As we were cooking, _______ comes up to me and took hold of my hands to spin me around. I land in his arms, his warm hands cupped my left cheek. He looked into my eyes as he caresses my cheek and leans in. Our lips connect each other as a puzzle piece.
He let go to allow me to breath and said "I love you. Y/n"

A/n: I am absolutely sorry if this imagine sucks. I run out of ideas for it. I hope you liked it and yes, I know that Christmas past or it has not came yet but I was supposed to update this last year. I love you guys and enjoy

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